Cleric Spells (Level Three) – Curse of the Azure Bonds

These are the level three spells available to Clerics in Curse of the Azure Bonds.

Bestow Curse

This spell reduces the target’s THAC0 and saving throws by 4.

Cause Blindness

This spell reduces the target’s THAC0, AC, and saving throws by 4.

Cause Disease

This spell gives the target a disease that saps his strength and HP.

Cure Blindness

This spell removes the effect of the “cause blindness” spell.

Cure Disease

This spell removes the effects of disease caused by some monsters or caused by a “cause disease” spell.

Dispel Magic

This spell removes the effects of spells that do not have specific counter spells.

Our Comment: In particular, it removes the “helpless” state caused by the “hold person” and “stinking cloud” spells, so it’s useful to have around. Meanwhile, we never had a character cursed, diseased, or blinded, so “dispel magic” should be your “cure” spell of choice.


This spell improves the THAC0 and saving throws of characters by 1 and reduces the THAC0 and saving throws of monsters by 1.

Our Comment: Even though “prayer” can hurt enemies, we always used it as a buffing spell before tough battles against spellcasters. Every saving throw bonus helps.

Remove Curse

This spell removes the effect of a “bestow curse” spell and allows the target to unready cursed magical items.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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