Magic User Spells (Level Five) – Curse of the Azure Bonds

These are the level five spells available to Magic Users in Curse of the Azure Bonds.


This spell creates a cloud of vapor that instantly kills creatures with 4 or fewer hit-dice. Other creatures must save versus poison or die.

Cone of Cold

This spell does 1d4 plus 1 HP of damage per level of the caster to all targets in a cone-shaped area. If the target makes its saving throw, the damage is halved.


This spell reduces the target’s intelligence and wisdom by 3 so that the target cannot cast spells. The saving throw of a human magic user is reduced by 4, the saving throw of a human cleric is improved by 1, and the saving throws of non-human characters are reduced by 2. A “feeblemind” may only be removed by a “heal” spell from a temple.

Hold Monster

This spell paralyzes up to 4 targets. It works on any living creature.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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