Magic User Spells (Level Three) – Curse of the Azure Bonds

These are the level three spells available to Magic Users in Curse of the Azure Bonds.

This spell protects the caster. The caster “blinks out” after he acts each round. The caster may be physically attacked before he acts each round, but he may not be physically attacked after he acts.

Dispel Magic

This spell removes the effects of spells that do not have specific counter spells.


This spell does 1d6 HP of damage per level of the caster to all targets within its area. If the target makes a saving throw, the damage is halved. A “fireball” has a 2-square radius outdoors and a 3-square radius indoors.

Our Comment: The “fireball” spell should be your primary offensive weapon. Use this spell at the start of a battle when enemies are all clumped together. Then switch to “lightning bolt” (or “magic missile”) as the situation warrants.


This spell doubles the target’s movement and number of melee attacks per round.

Our Comment: A “haste” spell cast before combat will speed up the entire party, so you only need to memorize one instance of the spell. It should be one of your primary buffing spells.

Hold Person

This spell paralyzes targets of roughly human shape and size. You may aim the spell at up to 4 targets.

Our Comment: This spell works just the same — and just as badly — as the cleric version, except that it can affect 4 targets instead of 3. That is, if you want to memorize this spell at all, let the clerics do it. Mages have far better options for level 3 spells.

Invisibility, 10′ Radius

This spell makes all targets adjacent to the caster invisible, and it otherwise works just like the level 2 “invisibility” spell.

Lightning Bolt

This spell does 1d6 HP of damage for each level of the caster to all targets within its area. If the target makes its saving throw, the damage is halved. A lightning bolt is 4-8 squares long in a line away from the caster, starting with the target. The bolt will rebound off walls to reach its full levngth.

Our Comment: The “lightning bolt” spell has the same damage as the “fireball” spell, but you’re likely to hit less targets with it than the “fireball” spell. We’d recommend memorizing one or two instances of the spell, and then save them for when you can hit an important target a couple times by bouncing the “lightning bolt” off a wall, or for times when you don’t have enough room for a “fireball” spell.

Protection from Evil, 10′ Radius

This spell protects the target and all characters adjacent to the target. The spell improves the AC and saving throws of those it protects by 2 against evil attackers.

Protection from Good, 10′ Radius

This spell protects the target and all characters adjacent to the target. The spell improves the AC and saving throws of those it protects by 2 against good attackers.

Protection from Normal Missiles

This spell makes the target immune to non-magical missiles.


This spell affects one target per level of the caster. The spell halves the target’s movement and number of melee attacks per round. “Slow” can be used to negate the “haste” spell.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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