Magic User Spells (Level Two) – Curse of the Azure Bonds

These are the level two spells available to Magic Users in Curse of the Azure Bonds.

Detect Invisibility

This spell allows the target to spot invisible creatures.


This spell makes the target invisible. The THAC0 of melee attacks against invisible targets is reduced by 4. It is impossible to target ranged attacks against invisible creatures. Invisibility is dispelled when the target attacks.


This spell is used to open locks. It can be cast from the door-opening menu if the active character has a memorized “knock” spell.

Mirror Image

This spell creates 1-4 illusionary duplicates of the caster. A duplicate disappears when it is attacked.

Ray of Enfeeblement

This spell reduces the target’s strength by 25% plus 2% per caster level.

Stinking Cloud

This spell paralyzes those in its 2×2 area of effect for 2-5 rounds. If the target saves, it is not paralyzed, but it is nauseous and has its AC reduced for two rounds.


This spell raises the target’s strength by 1-8 points, depending on the class of the target.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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