Arms: Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberware

Arms are your “fists” weapon, which — in a way — makes them your fourth weapon slot. Each one has a unique fighting style from each other.

If you want to use these Arms, you will want to invest in the Jailbreak Relic Perk to grant them a new ability. Additionally, the Finisher: Live Wire and Siphon Perks within the Intelligence Attribute will enhance Monowires.

Each comes four variations. These variations determine the Damage Type they will deal.

(1 slot available)

cyberpunk 2077 arms cyberware

(Click here to return to our main Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberware Guide.)

Do I Need Arms Cyberware?

Arms Cyberware doesn’t add any necessary functionality to the gameplay. Even though Gorilla Arms hint that you need them to force open doors, for example, you can already do it with a high enough Body Attribute score. The best a Cyberware like this would do is give you significant advantage for questlines like “Breat on the Brat“. So, the question comes down to: do you want to use one of these as a regular weapon?

There is not much lasting advantage these four could provide for you unless you employ bonuses from your Perks and Skills. You will primarily look to the Relic Perks to improve on these implants. If you do not, at a certain point your regular weapons will really out-do any of your Cyberware ones (some will be beaten more quickly than others).

If you aren’t too sure about any of these, you can simply get the Gorilla Arms for improved fist functionality that will extend into any bare-knuckle sparring you might do. You will get a Tier 5 version by completing any of the game’s endings.

  • Mantis Blades:
    • Allow you to slice and dice your enemies with swift, deadly slashes. They also unlock the ability to leap towards a target and deal massive damage.
      • Available variations:
      • Physical: Changes type of damage dealt to Physical.
      • Thermal: Changes type of damage dealt to Thermal.
      • Toxic: Changes type of damage dealt to Chemical.
      • Electrifying: Changes type of damage dealt to Electrical.
  • Monowire:
    • Charges when equipped but not used in combat. Attacks with a charged wire deal bonus damage based on the charge level. Charge level and bonus damage dealt decline with each attack.
      • Available variations:
      • Physical: Changes type of damage dealt to Physical.
      • Thermal: Changes type of damage dealt to Thermal.
      • Toxic: Changes type of damage dealt to Chemical.
      • Electrifying: Changes type of damage dealt to Electrical.
  • Gorilla Arms:
    • Charge with each attack. When you perform a Strong Attack, they deal bonus damage based on the charge level.
      • Available variations:
      • Physical: Changes type of damage dealt to Physical.
      • Thermal: Changes type of damage dealt to Thermal.
      • Toxic: Changes type of damage dealt to Chemical.
      • Electrifying: Changes type of damage dealt to Electrical.
      • Animals Knuckles (Tier 5): Changes type of damage dealt to Physical. Punching enemies applies Bleeding Status Effect.
  • Projectile Launch System:
    • Launches an explosive projectile that deals massive damage. Charged shots give extra bonuses.
      • Available variations:
      • Physical: Normal shots explode on impact and deal Physical damage. Charged shots increase damage, explosion range and dismembering chance.
      • Electrifying: Normal shots explode on impact and deal Electrical damage. Charged shots increase explosion range and Shocks targets.
      • Thermal: Normal shots explode on impact and deal Thermal damage with a 20% chance to apply Burn. Charged shots increase damage explosion range, and chance to apply Burn.
      • Toxic: Normal shots explode on impact and deal Chemical damage with a 20% chance to apply Poison. Charged shots increase damage, explosion range, and chance to apply Poison.
      • Militech Incendiary Round (Tier 3): Explodes on impact and deals Thermal damage to Enemies within the area of effect with a small chance to apply Burn. Charged shots increase damage, the explosion radius and the chance to apply Burn. Effective against groups of enemies.
      • Tranquilizer Rounds (Tier 3): Normal shots can render a single target unconscious. Charged shots have a larger area of effect.

Universal Arms Mods

As of patch 2.0, there are no long mods for any Cyberware.

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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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