Operating System: Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberware

Operating System Cyberware might look like the most complex category of all others available, but once you decide what you would like to use it for, you only need to pay attention to a third of its functionality.

For Intelligence builds, the choice will be the Cyberdeck Cyberware, since they need the Quickhacks functionality to achieve their full potential.

Solo builds can pick between the Reflexes approach (Sandevistan) or Body approach (Berserk). We will discuss the potential logic behind these decisions below.

(1 slot available)

cyberpunk 2077 operating system cyberware

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Do I Need Operating System Cyberware?

Unless you want your Netrunner to only farm currency and crafting materials from vending machines, you will need a Cyberdeck. It must be equipped for any Quickhacking or application of daemons to the network. So, if you have an Intelligence-heavy build, your one available slot is probably decided.

The fastest RAM recovery is offered by the Arasaka Cyberdecks. Other Cyberdecks will increase the effectiveness of your quickhacks, or enhance Monowires, encouraging pairing the two up.

Now, let’s talk Sandevistan and Berserk. If you are investing both into Reflexes and Body, which one should you get for your character?

Both have base bonuses for both melee and ranged combat styles. However, Berserk leans more towards melee combat with attack speed, while Sandevistan can cater to ranged combat with extra headshot and weakspot damage.

Berserk has a unique effect you can activate to essentially make you unkillable. Additionally, when the effect ends you will heal based on how many enemies were neutralized while it was active. Sandevistan, on the other hand, has an active effect to slow down time for everything around you. This will also give you various damage bonuses while active.

As for the time dilation, Kerenzikov Nervous System Cyberware is a fair substitute for Sandevistan. However, if you find time dialtion a useful mechanic and would like to trigger it manually, Sandevistan is a great way to go. You can always combine Sandevistan with Kerenzikov for ultimate time dilation triggering.

Of course, if you do not have a lot of points invested into both the Body and Reflexes (while not being all too interested in Intelligence Attribute), you can simply go with the one out of the two that you plan on investing into the most. Both Sandevistan and Berserk come with their unique bonuses and strategy and can be very useful in combat.

Cyberdeck Cyberware Implants

  • Militech Paraline Series:
    • RAM 2, Buffer Size 4, Slots 2.
    • Increased quickhack damage.
    • Increased Monowire damage per used RAM unit.
    • When uploading a quickhack to an enemy, shooting them with a Smart weapon will accelerate upload speed.
    • [Full complement of preinstalled hacks.]
  • Arasaka Series (Epic – Legendary):
    • RAM 8 – 10, Buffer Size 7 – 8, Slots 5 – 6.
    • Enemies take 40% longer to trace your location.
    • Cost of stealth Quickhacks is reduced.
    • RAM regeneration after performing a Takedown.
    • [Full complement of preinstalled hacks.]
  • Biotech Σ Series:
    • RAM 5 – 10, Buffer Size 5 – 7, Slots 3 – 5.
    • Increased duration for Combat quickhacks.
    • Extra damage-over-time with quickhacks.
    • Increased Monowire damage against enemies affected by a damage-over-time effect.
    • [Full complement of preinstalled hacks.]
  • NetWatch Netdriver Mk.5 (Tier 5):
    • RAM 11, Buffer Size 8, Slots 6.
    • Increases RAM recovery rate by 9 units per 60 seconds. Quickhack spread distance increased by 60%. Combat quickhacks can be uploaded on 3 targets within 6-meter radius. Quickhacks deal 30% more damage.
    • [Full complement of preinstalled hacks.]
    • Required Street Cred: 49.
  • Raven Microcyber Series (Epic – Legendary):
    • RAM 8 – 10, Buffer Size 7 – 8, Slots 5 – 6.
    • Increased spread distance with quickhacks.
    • Quickhacks spread to all valid enemies immediately instead of waiting for the initial upload to finish.
    • [Full complement of preinstalled hacks.]
  • Tetratronic Rippler Series:
    • RAM 10, Buffer Size 8, Slots 6.
    • Increased weapon damage against enemies affected by non-Combat quickhacks.
    • Increased damage with Combat quickhacks when immediately followed by a non-Combat quickhack in the queue.
    • Increased RAM.
    • [Full complement of preinstalled hacks.]

Sandevistan Cyberware Implants

  • Zetatech Sandevistan: Activate to dilate time. While active on the ground, increased damage. While active in midair, Increased damage, increased headshot and weakspot damage, and reduced fall damage.
  • Dynalar Sandevistan: Activate to dilate time. While active, increases crit chance and crit damage.
  • Qiant “Warp Dancer” Sandevistan: Activate to dilate time. While active, increased Mitigation Chance, increased Mitigation Strength, and increased resistance to Thermal, Chemical and Electrical damage.
  • Militech “Falcon” Sandevistan (Iconic): Activate to dilate time. While active, increases damage, Crit Chance, and Crit Damage. Neutralizing an enemy when active extends the duration and restores Health.

Berserk Cyberware Implants

  • Moore Tech Berserk: When activated, Health cannot drop below 25%, cannot use items, can only use melee weapons, reduced Stamina cost. When it ends, restore Health for each enemy neutralized.
  • Biodyne Berserk: When activated, Health cannot drop below 25%, cannot use items, can only use melee weapons, increased attack speed, reduced stamina cost, increased Crit Chance and Crit Damage. When it ends, restore Health for each enemy neutralized.
  • Zetatech Berserk: When activated, Health cannot drop below 25%, cannot use items, can only use melee weapons, increased attack speed, reduced Stamina cost, reduced fall damage, and allows the use of a Superhero Landing when using a Blunt Weapon. When it ends, restore Health for each enemy neutralized.
  • Zetatech Berserk Mk.5 (Iconic Legendary variation): When activated, Health cannot drop below 25%, cannot use items, can only use melee weapons, increased attack speed, reduced Stamina cost, reduced fall damage, and allows the use of a Superhero Landing when using a Blunt Weapon. When it ends, restore Health for each enemy neutralized.
  • Militech Berserk: When activated, invulnerable to damage, cannot use items, can only use melee weapons, increased attack speed, reduced Stamina cost, increased movement speed, Increased damage at low Health. When it ends, restore Health for each enemy neutralized.

Chrome Compressor

  • This is a Tier 5 / Iconic Operating System that gives +38 Cyberware Capacity.

Operating System Mods

As of patch 2.0, there are no mods for any Cyberware.

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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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