Details Revealed on Dead by Daylight’s Upcoming Matchmaking Improvements

Everyone who plays online games knows the pain of a team that doesn’t perform up to par — or facing an opponent who is clearly better than you — and Dead by Daylight is no exception when it comes to poor matchmaking. Hope may be on the horizon, however. Coming with Dead by Daylight Patch 6.4.0 are significant changes to the game’s online matchmaking. We learned a bit about it earlier this week, but today the developers have revealed more details on how the upcoming changes will function.

Team Based ratings

Essentially, with the new matchmaking system, playing altruistically will be rewarded, whereas in the current system all that matters is your own survival. Here’s how Survivor matchmaking rating (MMR) will be determined in patch 6.4.0:

  • You will gain matchmaking rating if you survive the trial, but
    • You will gain more rating for each teammate that escapes
    • You will gain less rating for each teammate that dies
    • You will gain more rating if your rating is lower than the Killer’s
    • You will gain less rating if your rating is higher than the Killer’s
  • You will lose matchmaking rating if you die in the trial, but
    • You will lose less rating for each teammate that escapes
    • You will lose more rating for each teammate that dies
    • You will lose less rating if your rating is lower than the Killer’s
    • You will lose more rating if your rating is higher than the Killer’s

With the new system, you shouldn’t lose a significant amount of matchmaking rating if you die but all of your teammates survive. BHVR has not given exact numbers as of yet, but they claim “your rating will hardly drop” in situations where you die and three teammates survive.

Extended Break System

The matchmaking system will also be altered in patch 6.4.0 to take extended breaks into account. After not playing the game for a while, the system will lower its “confidence level” regarding your matchmaking rating. Functionally, this means that if you win, you’ll gain more rating than usual, and if you lose, you’ll likewise lose more rating than usual. This should, in theory, allow rusty players to more quickly start playing with people at or near their skill level.

While the changes are nice, it’s still going to be optimal to focus on escaping first, helping teammates second, even with the addition of team based ratings — assuming all you care about is your MMR. If you die on hook at the end of the game, you’re going to lose rating, and the new system doesn’t change anything except how much you lose. Of course, this won’t stop some players (me) from always going for the save. Additionally, it does seem like the system will punish selfish players, as they’ll lose more rating and gain less with their wins.

Let us know what you think about the changes to matchmaking in the comments!

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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