The Wizard’s Tower – Demon Stone

This guide will help you complete The Wizard’s Tower, Chapter Four of Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone.

The Wizard’s Tower Walkthrough

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Chapter Four begins with a visit to the tower of Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunsun, the famous archmage from many Forgotten Realms novels. In addition to mentioning that Illius is a Knight of Silvery Moon, Khelben will ask you to stop Goro and Cireka before they annihilate Faerun. To do so, you must trap them in a new Demon Stone. Fortunately, the Yuan-ti of Chult possess one, so Khelben asks you to head to the portal here in his tower and use it to transport to the Jungles of Chult. Before Khelben can tell you any more, however, Goro flies in atop his great Red Dragon and the two begin a massive battle against one another.

Making it to the portal won’t be easy, though. Bugbears begin scaling the walls of the tower and you’re forced to battle them the entire way. To deter their continuous assault, though, you can attack the ladders they use to scale the walls, thus crippling their ascent from that particular section. The first hallway is pretty simple and the wave of Bugbears just inside the tower are made much easier by the guardian statues along the wall that attack any moving creature (except your party) with their stone axe. When you reach the fireplace, Slaad will begin teleporting in. Like you’ve done in the past, push the Slaad into the fire to make the battle a quick one.

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The tower’s next outer hallway is lined with traps that cover the full width of the hallway at specific sections. Since Zhai can leap over the trapped sections, use her to reach the end of the hallway. You’ll have to take out several Slaad as well, but the battles shouldn’t prove to be anything too serious. Once Zhai has disabled the traps by attacking the switch at the end of the hall, snag the chest’s contents and head back inside the tower with all three party members.

The next room you enter contains a large pool, which can be used to your advantage. Knock the spawning Slaad into the pool to light up the runes on the wall. When all of the runes have been filled, the pool will emit a powerful burst that will hurt all foes in the area. When all Slaad are dead, move through the next trapped hallway with Zhai and use her to disable them once again so that your companions can make it to the lower level. At this point, you’ll be shown the battle between Goro and Khelben again, and things don’t seem to be going so good for the friendly archmage.

When the view returns to the trio, use your ranged attacks to take out the Bugbears on the opposite balcony. There are a few ladders and nearby Bugbears to dispose of as well, after which you can move to a new hallway with guardian statues on both sides. Help the statues kill all the Bugbears in the hallway, then run up the ramp behind the statues to loot another chest before continuing to the next room. This next room contains more Bugbears, but you’ll once again have the aid of Khelben’s tower at your side. The swords hanging on the walls will fire themselves at the Bugbears, so your main concern should be taking out the ladders at the windows so you can advance to the next room.

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Moving through another door, the three adventurers will find themselves at the top of a staircase. Smash the three chests in front of you, then proceed downstairs. Here you’ll find Khelben’s Shield Guardian, a gigantic metal contraption armed with a double-bladed axe that Illius can take control of. Use the huge knight to slash through the hordes of Bugbears between the party and the portal to Chult. Unfortunately, the Shield Guardian will be destroyed by the circling Red Dragon when you reach the end of the path, but you won’t need it anymore anyway.

Before you can enter the portal, the Bugbear Chieftain will confront your party and you’ll be forced to do battle. This guy is very similar to the Orc Leader you faced in the Gemspark Mine, and you can use similar tactics to take him down. Once you’re finished with him, Illius will begin reconstructing the portal to allow entrance to Chult and Zhai and Rannek must fend off the Slaad while the Sorcerer concentrates on his magic. Do whatever is necessary to keep the foes off of Illius, as each attack hinders the portal’s progress and inflicts damage on the Sorcerer that cannot be healed since you’re not able to control him (although earning enough experience to gain a level during the battle will heal Illius of all wounds). As soon as the portal is back up and running, the companions will charge through just as Khelben’s tower crumbles under Goro’s wrath.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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