War in Damara – Demon Stone

This guide will help you complete War in Damara, Chapter One of Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone.

War in Damara Walkthrough

demon stone war in damara 1

The game begins with a great battle taking place in the region of Damara. The area’s citizens have been locked in makeshift cells by the invading Orcs and you must use Rannek’s sword skills to free them and, eventually, make it out of the area alive. To add to the difficulty, a great Red Dragon circling the area turns everything in its path to ash. Since you’re immediately slung into action, use Rannek’s combat skills to take out all of the beasts in the area and then free the Wood Elves from the nearby cell. There are a couple of barrels to shatter here too, but you won’t be finding any loot in them… yet.

Continue down the path, slashing through all of the beasts that stand in your way. Eventually, you’ll start becoming the unfortunate target of high damage catapult projectiles, so be very cautious and try to dodge any that you see heading your way. At one point, the dragon will swoop down and torch some Elves before you have a chance to save them, and it won’t be much further past this point that you’ll run into the Drow Rogue named Zhai.

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Zhai has been locked up in one of the makeshift cells, but she escapes before you’re even able to save her. From this point, you’ll get a chance to try out her skills firsthand. Use her nifty stealth kills to get through the next round of Orcs with ease. To do so, step in the shadowy sections to make Zhai go partially invisible and then use her primary attack when standing behind (backstab) or at the side (throat slice) of any foe. You’ll go through a couple waves of Orcs before you reach an arrangement of catapults “manned” by more Orcs. Kill the Orcs and then fire the catapults if you’d like.

After killing the last Orc in your way, a cutscene will show Zhai and Rannek being pinned down by Orc archers up on a ledge in the distance. A portal will open, though, and Illius the Sorcerer will step through. Of course, this is where you get to try out the mage for yourself, so use his staff and ranged spellcasting abilities to make short work of the Orc archers along the ledge. If you’re having any problems taking them out damage-wise, maneuver your attacks in such a way as to push the beasts to their death off the edge of the embankment.

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Proceed a little ways further down the path until Rannek and Zhai ask for your help once again. Use Illius to fire the nearby ballista, which will take out all of the archers in their way. Rannek and Zhai will join you to finish off the last wave of Orcs, after which the three companions will become the target of the Red Dragon above. To avoid a fiery death, the trio will seek refuge in the Gemspark Mine, which will conclude the first chapter of the game.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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