Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

Looking ahead to E3 2011, IGN sums up what we know and what they expect to see for Deus Ex: Human Revolution at the exposition in their “Road to E3” feature.

We already have an early build of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, so we’ve seen the first several hours of the campaign. As Human Revolution doesn’t have a multiplayer mode there’s little else, mode wise, that developer Eidos Montreal can reveal. With that said, we expect to see a later mission that isn’t currently available in our early build. Perhaps we’ll get a sneak peek at a later section of the Deus Ex story, or a more in-depth explanation of how some of Jensen’s abilities will function in combat.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is one of our most anticipated games, so there’s not much else we could see that would get us even more excited. But if we do come away from our demo with open mouths, it’ll just be a testament to the intriguing world Eidos Montreal has spent the last several years building.

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