Deus Ex: Human Revolution

The Evolution of Stealth Games

Gameranx has put together a 12-minute video covering “the evolution of stealth games”, and while that means that it includes quite a few non-RPG titles, they’ve reserved a few well-deserved spots for the Deus Ex series, the Thief series, and…

Deus Ex Series Autodesk Presentation Video

Eidos Montreal has made extensive use of a variety of Autodesk’s tools (including 3ds Max) in the design of Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, and that’s prompted the tool creator to publish a three-minute video that…

Adam Jensen/Elias Toufexis Video Interview

Video Game Sophistry is featuring a 30-minute video interview with voice actor Elias Toufexis, in which Deus Ex’s Adam Jensen gives us us some valuable insight into his typical work day, while also talking about how he managed to break into the…

On Cyberpunk and Architecture

The editors over at BitCultures have editorialized about the futuristic structures, landscapes, and general architecture that fascinate us and properly set the stage for a cyberpunk-themed video game, with a particular emphasis on how such elements were handled in Deus…

Eidos Montreal “Let’s Play Deus Ex: Human Revolution” Video

Eidos Montreal’s Jean-François Dugas and Jonathan Jacques-Belletête recently spent some time away from Mankind Divided to sit down and play through the earlier moments in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, all while reminiscing about its development and pointing out some interesting…

15 Years of Deus Ex with Warren Spector

At this point in his career, you would think that Warren Spector has said everything that he would ever need to say about the development of the original Deus Ex title and how the FPS/RPG series has evolved since. That…

Deus Ex Franchise Documentary Video Series, Part Three

We have the third installment to Square Enix and Eidos Montreal’s documentary video series for the Deus Ex franchise to take in this evening, with this latest entry focusing on the blood, sweat, and tears that went into “reinventing the…