Club Vox – Deus Ex: Invisible War


deus ex invisible war upperseattle


Remember, as you progress through this walkthrough, check every room you enter and nearby areas for useful items, as most won’t be included in the walkthrough in order to keep it fairly concise. The special and new items of note however, will all be here.

1: As you exit from Tarsus Academy, check the datacube on the bench for the map seen above. Talk to the guards straight ahead and you’re given a quest to see Donna Morgan at the WTO; that will come much later. First move forward into the main square to take in the area. Billie coms you to search Dr. Nassif’s apartment in Emerald Suites for information, and gives you a map to Emerald Suites. If you head north and west toward the inclinator, Lin-May Chen coms you to advise you head to Lower Seattle with urgency via the inclinator. For now we’ll forego that, as there is no danger.

2: Just to the north and east of this lower area is the coffee shop (see map). Head there and speak with the manager for a quest to destroy the competition’s (Queequeg’s) coffee beans in Lower Seattle… which we take care of later. Search behind the coffee pot and in the other room under the table for items.

3: Time to head to Club Vox. If you are playing a female, I’d suggest skipping ahead to the Inclinator section and doing that for another 100 credits before coming back here and visiting the club. Make sure to have 300 credits if you’re female. If you’re male, don’t worry about it. Head up the stairs near the Tarsus Academy entrance, then take a left. Talk to the Order Seeker who’s walking nearby. Now follow the signs to the Club. At the desk, ask the lady why the club is so great, and you’ll be told to speak with the owner and the NG Resonance simulator upstairs. Head on in.

4: First head to the right (south) and east to a lounge with a man dancing, noting the stairway and basement access on your right as you approach. The man dancing is Lionel and the man standing at the bar is the Culture Minister. If you’re male, talk to the Minister first and tell him that you’ll be his chamber-boy after he asks, and you’ll receive the key to his penthouse in the Emerald Suites. If you’re female, talk to Lionel nearby and pay him the 300 he asks for the key to the Minister’s penthouse suite.

5: Head up the stairs you saw on the way to the lounge, and take a left. Talk to the Owner for another quest to kill a Lawyer, also in the Emerald Suites. Keep heading past the owner and speak to the NG Resonance sim, a very cool “attraction” and nice addition to this game. Continue talking to her until you are asked to find out what’s going on in the VIP area.

6: Continue upstairs until you reach the dance floor with a couple of dancers, male and female. Talk to them if you like. Pass up the dance floor and walk around to the Secure Area door. Step left around the wall with the door and mantle up the left side wall to stand on top, where you’ll find an access vent and multitool. Enter the vent and emerge into a small janitor’s closet. Take the items there and prepare your weapon of choice (mine was a prod charger).

7: Open the closet door and if you can, sneak up on the bouncer who will be hostile to you, and take him down. There’s another bouncer roaming the stairs to the left after exiting the closet, so you’ll need to take him down as well, but can nab his sniper rifle afterward. Be careful not to take down the weird looking humanoid with a gas mask called “Omar Trader” who may also be in the area and will disapprove of your hostile actions.

8: Go up the stairs to the left after exiting the closet and speak with the Omar Trader. You may have to enter into the lounge area atop the stairway. Continue talking until you get the quest to perform a tissue scan in the Club’s guarded basement. Head down the stairs and look for a vent on your left. Enter and make quick work of the spider bot with your Spy Drone. Follow the shaft to the owner’s office.

9: There’s an SMG under the desk, and use a multitool on the wall safe. Read the datacube in the safe to complete an as of yet un-received quest from the WTO. Take the softkey to the basement on the shelf, and head back out and down the sets of stairs to the ground floor. Next to the stairway up is a small hall with the basement door. Enter it with your newly found key and head down.

10: After the maintenance door, you’ll be faced with a vertical triad of red beams. Position a nearby barrel in front of the beams and to the right, just near the bookshelf on the opposite side of the beams. Crouch and jump on top of the barrel, and then jump on top of the bookshelf to pass the beams. Alternately you can hack into the nearby terminal or use an EMP blast. Continue through the door and read the datacube on the rectangular piece of machinery in the middle of the room to complete the Omar’s quest. Search around for other good items.

11: Head back upstairs and talk to the NG sim again, past the owner. You can tell the truth or lie about what’s in the VIP area. Lying is my recommended route this time, as you’ll get a 50% discount from the Omar Trader and a free Black Market BIOMOD CANISTER when you return to him. Simply tell her they’re just a bunch of suits. If you told the truth, you’d get 300 credits but would have to rat out the Omar Trader. Head back to the trader for your reward. I would recommend upgrading your Spy Drone to level 2, as it’s probably the most handy biomod in the game.

12: Time to venture into the Emerald Suites. Head out of the club, back to the upper balcony of the city center, and just follow the green sign to the northwest.

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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