Deus Ex Retrospective

While fairly short, it’s still worth pointing out this retrospective for Ion Storm’s original Deus Ex on IndianVideoGamer, if only to bring a little more attention to the unforgettable FPS/RPG hybrid. And since it’s arranged in a Q&A format, I suppose it has a uniqueness factor as well:

‘˜When I played through.’

When I played Deus Ex for the first time, I was simply blown away by the choices present. I was already a fan of stealth because of Thief and this is a game, which actually came close to allowing me to play like Garrett again. This time, I was the hi-tech Garrett! The other factor that caught my eye was the writing. There was a genuine effort to introduce text which would flesh out the world. Remember folks, this is over a decade ago we are talking about.

Is there anything else I should be aware of (ie mods, crazy glitches, contribution to pop culture, Internet meme, etc)?

In spite of being 11 years old, the game is still a tad buggy, with the odd crash or two encountered during a 25-hour playthrough on a fairly mid-range PC. Oh, and if you subscribe to the master PC race legend, you’ll be interested to know that whenever you mention it, someone will install it. True story.

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