Blizzard Entertainment Website Renovation

Seeking to outdo our little revision today, Blizzard Entertainment has launched a brand new website that’s no doubt in preparation for their upcoming 2.0 update and the release of StarCraft II and Diablo III. We even have some bullet points to go with it:

‘¢ Games section: The updated games section includes links to our current projects as well as detailed information for all of our previously released games, including trailers, screenshots, concept art, wallpapers, and more.

‘¢ Company section: This section is all about Blizzard Entertainment as a company it features our company profile, core values, partners, career opportunities, event information, and updated press center.

‘¢ Community section: This is your first stop for all community-related Blizzard Entertainment content, including the Blizzard Insider email newsletter archive, past and current contests, our fan art gallery, and BlizzCast, our official podcast.

They also have their own YouTube site up and running, should you be looking for a one-stop shop for their many game-related videos.

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