Diablo III Preview

The folks over at GameShark have doled out a quick preview of Diablo III that focuses exclusively on the sequel’s new monk class.

A strong defense is important for a vulnerable melee class. The monk has this covered with its Impenetrable Defense, a force field of sorts that rebounds ranged attacks. During my trek through the desert I encountered a few bug-like creatures that tried to assault me from afar. They failed since their attacks bounced harmlessly off my giant purple glowy ball and ricocheted back toward them.

Hordes of enemies rushing towards you at once may strike fear in the hearts of normal folk, but not for the monk. The Seven-sided Strike is a powerful area of effect attack that can take out clusters of mobs with ease. A few times I found myself surrounded by nasties, but I disposed of them quickly. I rarely made it out unscathed though and usually found myself at half health. Then again, that might just be due to my lack of skill as a player and not the fault of the game mechanic.

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