Diablo III

Diablo III Male Demon Hunter Detailed

The female version of Diablo III’s Demon Hunter class was announced at BlizzCon 2010, and now we finally see the unveiling of the male version. Blizzard has given DiabloFans the scoop on the unveiling, including an interview with art director Christian…

Diablo III 2005 Screenshots

Kotaku and German site PC Games both have a dozen screenshots from the 2005 build of Diablo III. It looks quite different, if for no other reason than being set in heaven instead of hell. More than a dozen screen…

Diablo III Screenshot and Concept Art

Blizzard released another screenshot and another piece of concept art from Diablo III this morning, with the former depicting the Stinging Winds environment and the latter depicting the witch doctor’s Firebomb ability. Head over to our image gallery to check…

Diablo III Class Artwork

Blizzard Entertainment has been busy adding more artwork to the official Facebook page for Diablo III, so I’ve just uploaded a dozen new pieces depicting the barbarian, witch doctor, demon hunter, monk, and more to our image gallery for the…

Blizzard Entertainment 20-Year Anniversary Celebration

Blizzard Entertainment is preparing to celebrate twenty years in the video game development business with a batch of media and articles that will be released in a staggered fashion, though at the moment there’s only this video of co-founders Mike…

Diablo III Concept Art

One more piece of Diablo III concept art has trickled onto Blizzard’s Facebook page, and this time it depicts the witch doctor’s “Wall of Zombies” ability. Head over to our image gallery to have a look.

Diablo III Video Interview

G4 continues today’s Diablo III extravaganza with another video interview with senior designer Jason Bender, though this time they move away from PvP and dive into the game’s classes, equipment bonuses, replayability factor, and more.

Blizzard: A 20-Year Legacy of Quality and Awesomeness

To complement their Diablo III video interview and preview, G4 has put together this brief history piece to help celebrate Blizzard Entertainment’s impending 20-year anniversary. The greatest and most successful PC developer in the business: BlizzCon began in 2005 with…

Diablo III Screenshots and Artwork

To compete with the larger Warcraft fanbase on Facebook, the Diablo III team has released some new screenshots and artwork from the game and will continue to do so at every 25,000-like milestone. The two screenshots and sweet, sweet concept…