Diablo III

Diablo III Encounters System Detailed, Screenshots

Blizzard’s official Diablo III website has been updated with information about the behaviors and tactics that creatures will utilize when we’re attempting to cut a path through them in the action RPG sequel. We also learn about some new monster…

Rejected Diablo III Classes

IGN takes a stab at hilarity by posting some “leaked documents” that detail some of the amazing classes that Mike Morhaime’s young son has suggested to (and demanded of) the Diablo III development team. There’s nothing to quote, but my…

Diablo III Preview

Diablo III graced the cover of the latest issue of PC Gamer magazine, so I can only assume that this four-page BlizzCon-based preview that just hit their online portal is ripped from it. Anyway, on with the quotage: Away from…

Blizzard Entertainment Video Interview

Destructoid caught up with Blizzard Entertainment’s Frank Pearce for a brief video interview during this year’s VGAs. In it, they talk about the awards, their plans for a World of Warcraft film, and Blizzard’s still-unannounced MMO project Titan. The media…

Diablo III Video Preview/Interview

G4 has gotten around to conjuring up another BlizzCon-based video preview for Diablo III, which includes another couple minutes of commentary from lead designer Jay Wilson. Topics include the depth of the skill system, how the runestone system has changed…

Diablo III Preview

Eurogamer has conjured up a three-page hands-on preview of Diablo III, with quite a bit of added commentary from lead world designer Leonard Boyarsky and lead technical artist Julian Love. The information comes straight from this year’s BlizzCon, so you…

Blizzard Hiring Diablo III Console Staff

Gamasutra is reporting about a couple of new positions that have opened at Blizzard Entertainment, namely lead positions for console development on Diablo III, which is interesting considering that it’s only been announced for PC so far. Multiple new job ads…

Diablo III Video Interview

G4 has cranked out another video interview for Diablo III, this time chatting with lead designer Jay Wilson at BlizzCon about the game’s rune system, character traits, and more.

Diablo III PvP Preview

With a couple of weeks to pore over the information they gleaned from BlizzCon, IncGamers brings us a detailed report of Diablo III’s player vs. player mechanics as demonstrated on the show floor of the annual event. Everyone was a…