Diablo III

Blizzard Real ID Opt-Out Details

An official forum post on the Blizzard forums hopefully provides the final word on the Real-ID debate, pointing to the options available on your Blizzard.net account. We’d like to make you aware of the new Real ID-related privacy options we’ve…

Diablo III Forum Activity, Level Cap Announced

In his most recent responses on the official Diablo III forums, community manager “Bashiok” addresses questions about the newly announced level cap, the ammount of rune combos, periodic experience bonuses, and more. On the level cap being 60: We’ve been…

Diablo III Forum Activity

In his most recent responses on the official Diablo III forums, community manager “Bashiok” addresses questions about NVIDIA 3D support, clothing dyes, item sockets, and more. On monster terminology: As far as I know it right now the terms we’re…

Diablo III Health System Overview

The official Diablo III website has been updated with an overview of the health system in the upcoming action RPG sequel, with a basic idea of how to get through fights with the use of potions and health globes. That’s…

Diablo III Artwork

Blizzard’s official concept art gallery has been updated with two pieces of sweet Diablo III artwork, including the iconic barbarian piece we’ve previously seen in some of their BlizzCon art.

Diablo III Preview

After everything we’ve been reading about Diablo III’s artisan and crafting system, it’s kind of nice getting a few morsels of information about the game’s quest system, skill trees, and item drops. From IGN: Transitioning to more general topics, Wilson…

BlizzCon 2010 Promotional Trailer

Blizzard’s annual event is less than two months away, and the company is heating things up by releasing a two-minute promotional trailer. I wouldn’t recommend watching this if you don’t already have tickets, as it will likely drive you to…

Diablo III Video Interview

G4 is offering up another 7+ minutes of footage from the interview they did with Diablo III lead designer Jay Wilson during last month’s GamesCom. You’ve probably heard everything you need to about artisans and crafting at this point, but…

Diablo III Crafting Overview

After revealing some preliminary information about how Diablo III’s artisans will work at GamesCom, Blizzard Entertainment has put together an overview of the game’s crafting system over at the official website. To provide your artisans with the ingredients necessary to…

Diablo III Video Interview

The editors at GameTrailers have uploaded their own video interview with Diablo III lead designer Jay Wilson, presenting us with a few more minutes of commentary on the artisan-based crafting, enchanting, socketing, and salvaging systems that were revealed during GamesCom.