Diablo III

Diablo III Tomb Viper Artwork

After sharing a picture of the original painting that inspired the Diablo II box art last week, Blizzard has now uploaded an image of some of Gerald Brom’s more recent work. This particular painting features the Tomb Viper, a new…

Diablo III Female Monk Animation and Concept Art

After teasing us with a few pieces of artwork during the latest episode of the Jace Hall Show, Blizzard Entertainment has updated the monk profile page on the official Diablo III website with a fighting stance animation and a high resolution…

Diablo III: The Female Monk Revealed

The latest episode of IGN’s The Jace Hall Show features a few minutes of footage from a (humorous) Diablo III design meeting, and during the second half we’re given our very first glimpse of the female version of the monk…

Diablo III Screenshots

After a long period of silence, Blizzard has updated their official Diablo III website with ten new screenshots depicting some character skills in action and a few Act II locations.

Diablo III Expansion Speculation

Even though Diablo III is still at least a year away, DiabloFans believes that they’ve uncovered enough information to start speculating about what the game’s first expansion pack will bring to the table. The Necromancer, High Heavens, Ureh, and an…

Diablo III Preview

Hooked Games has put together a pretty informative three-page preview of Diablo III, covering everything from the five revealed classes to skill runes to art design. Blizzard also designed the new health system, in addition to every other aspect of…

Diablo Player Economies Analyzed

DiabloFans.com has cranked out an editorial that provides a brief analysis of the player economies that exist in Diablo and Diablo II, as well as what we might expect from Diablo III’s player economy with the added features brought by…

Diablo III Forum Activity

Diablo community manager “Bashiok” discusses the magic find stat, the Monk’s resource system, the Necromancer returning in an expansion pack, and more in his latest responses on the official Diablo III forums. On whether the Necromancer might return: I’ve seen…

A Decade of Diablo

Did you know that today is the 13th anniversary of the original Diablo?  To celebrate such a momentous occasion, DiabloFans.com has put together a “Decade of Diablo” editorial that briefly takes us through important Diablo-related happenings from the pre-2000 years until…

Post-Apocalyptic Settings Profiled

Hellforge has whipped up a two-page article that briefly analyzes the post-apocalyptic settings utilized in a handful of video games, including Fallout 3 and Diablo III. Barter and trade exists, with bottlecaps and bullets the main forms of currency. Bottlecaps, huh? I guess…