Dice Legacy is primarily a game about buildings and dice, but there are a handful of other mechanics that are important for any fledgling Ruler to understand. One of these is the Council, which pops up occasionally to offer you a choice of Policies. In this guide, we’ll take a look at how the Council works, and provide a list of all the possible Policy choices.
The Council
By default, The Council meets at the end of every season and provides you with a choice of three random Policies. The three Policies presented are always associated with one of the Dice types that you currently control: if you only control Peasants, you will only see Peasant policies, and so on. There are two Scenarios that change how the Council functions:
- The Red Tape scenario causes The Council to meet only once per year
- The Six Faces scenario causes The Council to not consider controlled dice when proposing new policies
Once you choose a policy, in addition to whatever effect the new policy gives, two things will happen:
- The hapiness of the Dice class whose policy was chosen will increase
- The happiness of any Dice class whose policy was not chosen will decrease
Because of this, in addition to deciding which policy would best complement your current strategy/game state, you also need to consider the current happiness of each Dice class that has a proposed policy. It’s a good idea to have a plan in place to deal with the potential consequences before you ignore the policy of a Dice class that is already unhappy.
If you don’t want to upset anyone, you can always use the Skip button to not pick any policy. If none of the policies are particularly strong, this can be a good strategy if you are having trouble keeping your Dice happy.
If you can’t remember what policies you’ve chosen, you can view them at any time by pressing [C] or hitting the button at the top of the UI
to open the Council menu. Then you can click Active Policies to view all current active policies. You can also click the Active Policies button while the Council is in session.
Every Dice class has 12 possible policies that can show up when The Council meets (assuming it hasn’t already been chosen). Rarer policies are marked with a red seal
in-game, as well as on this list.
Here are all the Council policies in Dice Legacy:
Peasant Policies
- Firewatch – Buildings inside Peasant Districts are immune to fire.
- Fur coats – Dice are immune to Freeze while used in Peasant Districts.
- Greenhouses – Wheat Farms inside Peasant Districts work also in Winter.
- Solstice celebration – Immediately obtain 2 Peasant Dice.
- Expert workers
– Increase the resource gathered in all Locations inside Peasant Districts by 1. - Mandatory cutting – At the start of every season obtain 2 Wood for every Forest inside Peasant Districts.
- Mandatory excercise – A Peasant Die generated from the House starts with full Durability.
- Mandatory mining – At the start of every season obtain 2 Stone or 2 Iron for every Mine inside Peasant Districts.
- Mandatory harvesting – At the start of every season obtain 2 Wheat for every Wheat Farm inside Peasant Districts.
- Prosperity – House can be used by Any Dice.
- Salting
– Doubles the Food produced in all Buildings inside Peasant Districts. - Sharing experience
– All newly obtained Dice have 1 extra power to Gather
Citizen Policies
- Mandatory schooling – At the start of every season, obtain 1 Knowledge for every Citizen District.
- Production reviews – Citizen Dice have 15% chance to provide 1 Knowledge when used in Citizen Districts.
- Supervisors
– Increase the resources production in all Buildings inside Citizen Districts by 1. - Breakthrough – Immediately obtain 4 Knowledge.
- Commissioners – Increases the range of the Tax Office by 1.
- Higher Education – Newly obtained Citizen Dice now start with one 2-power Build face and one 2-Power Study face.
- Healing Chemicals – Enhancement Chamber also heals Wounded and Sickness.
- Double exposure
– Enhancement Chamber empowers an additional random face. - Nature studies – At the start of every season obtain 1 Knowledge per different Location type inside Citizen Districts.
- Precision tools – Workshop requires 1 less Study
. - Architects
– All newly obtained Dice have 1 extra power to Build
. - Education Standards – Every Building that allows a Die to be converted into a different Class requires 1 less resource to operate.
Soldier Policies
- Elite Training – Military Academies empower 2 random faces of a new Soldier die.
- Forced Enlisting – Immediately obtain 4 Soldier Dice.
- Looting – Defeated attackers have a 15% chance to provide some Food.
- Scavenging – Defeated attackers have a 15% chance to provide some Iron.
- Mandatory training – Soldier Dice have a 15% chance of being empowered when used on Soldier Districts.
- Fur padding – Soldier Dice are always immune to Freezing.
- Training standards – Newly obtained Soldier Dice now stairt with an additional 2-power Fight
face and a 2-power Raid
face. - Mobilization – Military Academy requires an extra Die and provides an extra Soldier Die.
- Sentinels
– Towers inside Soldier Districts provide double Fight
. - Early Training
– All newly obtained Dice have 1 extra power to Fight
. - Civil Service – Replaces Harvest
with Fight
in all Locations inside Soldier Districts. - Military Dictatorship
– Pleased Soldiers also prevent all negative effects of any Angry Classes.
Merchant Policies
- Access the reserves – Immediately obtain 2 Food, 2 Gold, 2 Iron, 2 Ale, and 2 Herbs.
- Free Market
– Doubles the Gold produced in all Buildings inside Merchant Districts. - Domestic trading – At the start of every season obtain 1 Gold for every Merchant District.
- Free rations – Fully restores the Durability of Mercenary Dice when used in Merchant Districts.
- Bigger companies – Mercenary Guild provides an extra Mercenary Die.
- Appropriations – At the start of every season obtain 2 random resources for every Merchant District.
- Roaming companies – At the start of every season obtain 1 Mercenary Die for every Merchant District.
- Inheritance – Newly obtained Merchant Dice now start with an additional 2-power Harvest
face and a 2-power Trade
face. - Elite Companies – Newly obtained Mercenary Dice now start with an additional 3-power Fight
face. - Monestary incentives – Mercenary Dice won’t leave when wounded.
- Representatives
– District Hall requires no Gold to be upgraded into Class District Hall - Pioneers
– All newly obtained Dice have 1 extra power to Explore
Monk Policies
- Sacred ceremony -Immediately heal all effects from Dice and completely restore their Durability.
- Liturgies – Monument fully restores Durability of all Dice in Pool.
- Restoration – Temple also fully restores Durability.
- Monastic brewing – Doubles the Ale produced in all Buildings inside Monk Districts.
- Healers – Wounded Dice used in Monk Districts are healed.
- Preachers
– Restores 4 Durability to Dice when used in Monk Districts. - Preparations – At the start of every season obtain 1 Herbs for every Location inside Monk Districts.
- Seminaries – Newly obtained Monk Dice now start with an additional 2-power Work
face and a 2-power Pray
face. - Mandatory offerings – At the start of every season obtain 1 Gold for every non-Monk District.
- Sharing wisdom
– All newly obtained Dice have 1 extra power to Work
. - Protective medicine
– Raises the Maximum Durability of all Dice to 24. - Divine inspiration – Dice used inside a Temple have a 20% chance of getting Blessed.
We hope this guide on The Council and its Policies was helpful! If you have any questions or suggestions, drop us a line in the comments below.