Capeside Apartments – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you navigate the Capeside Apartments area in Disco Elysium.

Capeside Apartments Map

disco elysium capeside apartments map

Area Overview

Both entrances to the apartment building (Exits A and C) will start out locked. To get inside, you’ll first have to talk to the smoker on the balcony (#14). If you pass a Suggestion check with him, then he’ll point out a rock on the ground (next to Exit C), under which you’ll find the Key to Apartment Building. If you fail the check, then you still might be able to detect the rock, but only if your Perception is high enough.

If you fail to acquire the key, then you’ll need to knock on the western entrance (Exit A) and talk to the cleaning lady (#3). If you pass an Authority check with her, then she’ll give you the key to the building.

1 – Foreclosed Apartment

If you have at least 5 Perception, then you’ll discover the book Sixteen Days of Coldest April in a shelf in this apartment.

2 – Abandoned Apartment

You’ll only be able to enter this apartment through the foreclosed apartment next door (#1). Inside, you’ll find Nosaphed.

3 – Cleaning Lady

The cleaning lady here will give you some background information about the apartment complex. She’ll give you the task Investigate Apartment #10 for the Cleaning Lady.

4 – Apartment #9

In the mailbox next to the door here, you’ll find the postcard Boogie Street ’46.

5 – Apartment #10

If you knock on the door to this apartment, a woman will answer, but she’ll refuse to let you in. To gain entry, you’ll need to talk to the cleaning lady (#2). When you ask her about the apartment, she’ll tell you that it’s been empty for months, and she’ll ask you to investigate it. This will trigger the task Investigate Apartment #10 for the Cleaning Lady. Inside the apartment, you’ll find Black Monkstraps and Hypnogamma.

6 – Apartment #11 (Communard’s Apartment)

This apartment will start out locked with a padlock. If you equip Chaincutters (found in Kim’s car outside the Whirling-in-Rags) and pass an Interfacing check, then you’ll be able to remove the padlock. Inside the apartment, you’ll find a 9mm Bullet and a Saramirizian Lounge Jacket. You’ll also find a bust of Kras Mazov, which will lead you to believe that the resident is a communard.

7 – Closet

You’ll find Flip-Up Glasses “The Auditor” inside this closet.

8 – Apartment #12 (Cuno’s Apartment)

This apartment will start out locked. It’s involved in the task Split a “Kilo” with Cuno. Inside, you’ll find Regular Black Jeans and a Speed Bottle (needed for the task). You’ll also “meet” Cuno’s dad (who won’t ever wake up), and you’ll find some old homework indicating that Cuno’s real name is Kuuno de Ruyter.

9 – Bathroom

With enough Perception, you’ll find Alcohol “Commodore Red” and Magnesium here.

10 – Steban’s Apartment

This apartment is involved in the task Get Yourself Organised. Inside, you’ll find a Reflective Construction Vest.

11 – Cindy the Skull

You’ll meet Cindy the Skull here. She’ll tell you that she’s creating “an aero-graffito visible from low orbit.” If you ask her about the hanged man and his armor, then she’ll tell you that she saw his gloves with a little girl in the fishing village in Martinaise West. This will trigger the task Find the Armoured Gloves. Cindy is also involved in the tasks Add Even More Beauty to the Wall and Become a Man of Plenty.

12 – Coal Room

This is where Cindy (#11) has been staying. Inside, you’ll find Pour L’Homme Labourer Jeans. If you wear the jeans, then you’ll find an Apricot Chewing Gum Wrapper in them. This item is required for the thought Apricot Chewing Gum Scented One. You might also notice a “white” compartment in the boiler. If you equip Chaincutters or a Prybar (found in Kim’s car outside the Whirling-in-Rags), then you’ll be able to loot the compartment for some money. Finally, if you’ve completed the task Find Pyrholidon and Slurp It, then you’ll also find Pyrholidon in the fusebox.

13 – Apartment #28 (smoker’s apartment)

This apartment is involved in the tasks The Smoker on the Balcony and Interview the Sunday Friend. Inside, you’ll find Party Dragon’s Silk Robe and Samaran Conical Hat.

14 – Smoker on the Balcony

You’ll see a nervous man smoking a cigarette here. You’ll need to talk to him before you can enter the building (see the text at the top of the page for details). The smoker is also involved in the tasks The Smoker on the Balcony and Interview the Sunday Friend. After completing those tasks, the smoker will start showing up in the Whirling-in-Rags each day. If you talk to him there, and if you pass a Composure check, then you’ll unlock the thought Homo-Sexual Underground.

15 – Apartment #20 (working class woman’s apartment)

You’ll only be allowed into this apartment during the task Dead Body on the Boardwalk. You won’t find anything inside.


  1. Western entrance. This entrance will start out locked. See the text at the top of the page for how to enter the building.
  2. Western balcony.
  3. Eastern entrance. This entrance will start out locked. See the text at the top of the page for how to enter the building.
  4. Eastern balcony.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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