Confront the Pigs and Get Your Gun Back – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Confront the Pigs and Get Your Gun Back and Hardie and the Pigs tasks in Disco Elysium.

Confront the Pigs and Get Your Gun Back / Hardie and the Pigs Map

disco elysium confront the pigs and get your gun back map
  1. Evrart’s Sanctum
  2. Whirling-in-Rags
  3. Pawnshop
  4. The Pigs

Confront the Pigs and Get Your Gun Back / Hardie and the Pigs Walkthrough


You’ll trigger the task Confront the Pigs and Get Your Gun Back if you ask Evrart (#1) about your gun after completing the tasks Open Apartment Door for Evrart and Get Two Signatures for Evrart.

Walkthrough: Confront the Pigs and Get Your Gun Back

Evrart will tell you about an unstable old woman called the Pigs, who bought your gun from the pawnshop (#3), and who apparently waves it around each night after 20:00 at the boardwalk in Martinaise West (#4). If you show up at the boardwalk at the right time, then you’ll know it quickly, since the Pigs will have a siren blaring and red and blue lights flashing.

Note: Sometimes the Pigs won’t show up. This is a bug. If this happens to you, then either load a saved game from before approaching the boardwalk, or wait and try again another night.

The Pigs (#4) will confront you when you get close enough to her, and she’ll have your gun — a Villiers 9mm Pepperbox Pistol — in her hand. She’ll act like she’s the police and you’re a suspect. You’ll be given lots of ways to try and resolve the matter peacefully, but none of them will work because the Pigs will see what she wants to see — which is you as somebody she needs to arrest. However, if you ask her to identify herself, then with 4 Perception you’ll detect that she’s carrying drugs, which will allow you to confiscate them later.

Eventually, you’ll have to try a “formidable” Hand/Eye Coordination check, but it won’t really matter how you fare. If you pass the check, then you’ll remember that your gun isn’t loaded, and it won’t bother you when the Pigs takes a shot at you. If you fail the check, then you won’t remember anything about your gun, and you’ll lose Morale when you think you’re about to die. Regardless, the Pigs will be so dismayed that your gun is empty that she’ll drop it on the ground, which will allow you to take it back. Or you can just leave it where it is, in which case Kim will pick it up. Either way, you’ll earn 30 xp for completing the task.

But you won’t be done yet. The Pigs will just stand there talking to herself, which will give you a chance to search her. You’ll always find your RCM Lieutenant’s Cap amongst her possessions, but if you noticed the drugs on her earlier, and if you have at least 2 Electrochemistry, then you’ll also find Pyrholidon and a Speed Bottle. Kim will look at you disapprovingly if you confiscate the drugs, so you can let him have them if you want.

Finally, you’ll have to decide that to do with the Pigs. You’ll have two choices for this. You can let Kim report her to his precinct, which will get her sent to a sanitarium, or you can let Titus Hardie deal with her. If you choose the latter, then you’ll trigger the task Hardie and the Pigs.

Walkthrough: Hardie and the Pigs

When you tell Titus (#2) about the Pigs, he’ll agree to take care of her. Just don’t admit that she had your gun, or else you’ll lose a point of Morale. You’ll earn 10 xp for completing the task.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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