Determine Where the Shot Came From – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Determine Where the Shot Came From task in Disco Elysium.

Determine Where the Shot Came From Map

disco elysium determine where the shot came from map
  1. Whirling-in-Rags
  2. Feld Building
  3. Land’s End
  4. Sniper’s Nest

Determine Where the Shot Came From Walkthrough


During the task Get the Whole Story from Titus, you’ll learn from Klaasje (#1) that the hanged man was shot by somebody outside her bedroom, and that the shot passed through her bedroom window. When you examine the window, you’ll be given a “medium” Visual Calculus check. Passing it will trigger this task.

Note: If you don’t arrest Klaasje, then near the end of the game, after the Mercenary Tribunal, she’ll put up a red thread in her bedroom showing the trajectory of the bullet. This will give you a +6 bonus for the Visual Calculus check. So if Visual Calculus isn’t your strong suit, you can just wait a while before attempting this task.


Visual Calculus will tell you that there’s a 72% chance that the shooter was on the roof of the Whirling-in-Rags (#1) and a 28% chance that one of three other, more distant locations was used. You’ll then need to check the three distant locations to narrow down where the shooter could have been:

  • Boardwalk (B’). This objective is a little misleading. You won’t detect anything while wandering around on the boardwalk. But during the task Look for Ruby on the Coast, you’ll get into the Feld Building (#2), and while you’re there, you’ll find a hidden bunker with a window. Examining the window will cause a Visual Calculus thought orb to appear over your head. When you click on it, you’ll decide that the bunker hasn’t been occupied in a long time, and so it couldn’t have been used by the shooter.
  • Land’s End (B”). When you explore Land’s End (#3), a Visual Calculus thought orb will appear over your head. When you click on it, you’ll work out that the shooter couldn’t have used this site.
  • Island (B”’). You won’t be allowed to visit the Island until after the Mercenary Tribunal. While you’re there, you’ll discover a sniper’s nest (#4) with an excellent view of the Whirling-in-Rags (#1), and you’ll decide that the killer could have made the shot from that spot.

Examining all three spots (or perhaps just the last one) will complete the task and earn you 70 xp.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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