Find the Bullet Before You Get Fooled – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Find the Bullet Before You Get Fooled task in Disco Elysium.

Find the Bullet Before You Get Fooled Walkthrough

To trigger this task, you’ll need to complete the task Perform Field Autopsy and then pass a Perception check when looking at the corpse. You’ll discover that the hanged man was shot through the mouth and that the bullet lodged into the back of his skull. To retrieve the bullet yourself, you’ll need to pass an Interfacing check. If you fail, then Kim will retrieve it for you. Either way, you’ll end up with (Evidence) Fractured Bullet.

At the end of your exam, you’ll decide that the hanging was just “treatment” to hide the actual cause of death. This will earn you 30 xp and complete the task.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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