Find the Murder Weapon – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Find the Murder Weapon task in Disco Elysium.

Find the Murder Weapon Map

disco elysium find the murder weapon map
  1. Deserter

Find the Murder Weapon Walkthrough


After completing the task Find the Bullet before You Get Fooled, if you interact with the Fractured Bullet, then you’ll trigger this task. You can also trigger the task by completing it.


When you examine the bullet, you’ll learn a few things about it, especially if you have Kim with you, or if you have at least 4 Encyclopedia and 4 Interfacing. Then you’ll be given a “legendary” Hand/Eye Coordination check. You can make this check easier by picking up the Antique Belle-Magrave Rifle from the Doomed Commercial Area. When you pass the Hand/Eye Coordination check, you’ll learn that you’re looking for a rifle exactly like the Antique Belle-Magrave Rifle, except in working order.

You won’t make any further progress with this task until late in the game when you reach the Island. On the northern side, you’ll meet a deserter holding a rifle (#1). When you ask him about it, he’ll identify it as a Triangong 4-46. No matter what you say about the gun, and no matter if you pass the “challenging” Authority check, you (or Kim or Cuno) will force him to put it down.

Later, you’ll ask the deserter, “What have you been using this gun for?” He’ll admit that he’s been killing people, and that for him the war is still going on. When you ask him if he shot the hanged man, he’ll get a little bit cagey, which will give you a chance to present some evidence against him. If you’ve picked up the rifle, then you’ll decide that it fits in perfectly with that you know about the murder weapon. This will complete the task and earn you 70 xp.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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