Find Your Heraldic Bird – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Find Your Heraldic Bird task in Disco Elysium.

Find Your Heraldic Bird Map

disco elysium find your heraldic bird map
  1. Doomed Commercial Area

Find Your Heraldic Bird Walkthrough


Starting on Day 2, you can meet a working class woman in front of the Doomed Commercial Area (#1). If you insist that her husband is missing — or her daughters, or her cockatoo — then she’ll call you a cockatoo. If you ask her about the birds, then you’ll trigger this task.


The working class woman will suggest that you to look up cockatoos in the bookstore in the Doomed Commercial Area. Inside, if you ask Plaisance about cockatoos, then she’ll direct you to the upper level of the shop, where you’ll find the book From A to Zrieek! A Guide to Cockatoos. It’ll cost you 3.99 real to buy it, or you can steal it by passing an Interfacing check.

When you read the book, you’ll be allowed to choose a cockatoo. This will give you a point for one of the four copotypes, which are associated with a thought (you’ll need to gain four points in a copotype to unlock its thought). This is summarized in the table below:

Bang-Bang CockatooBoring CopRegular Law Official
F**kupatooSorry CopRigorous Self-Critique
Funeral CockatooApocalypse CopCop of the Apocalypse
Major Majestic CockatooSuperstar CopSome Kind of Superstar

Regardless of your choice, you’ll earn 10 xp for completing the task.

Note: You’re not limited to one copotype. You can unlock all four copotype thoughts if you spread your dialogue around.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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