Get Two Signatures for Evrart – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Get Two Signatures for Evrart task in Disco Elysium.

Get Two Signatures for Evrart Map

disco elysium get two signatures for evrart map
  1. Evrart’s Sanctum
  2. Whirling-in-Rags
  3. Mail Collection Box
  4. Canal Bridge
  5. Wrecked Car
  6. Lilienne
  7. Isobel’s Shack
  8. Isobel
  9. Drunks

Get Two Signatures for Evrart Walkthrough


After completing the task Open Apartment Door for Evrart, Evrart (#1) still won’t be sure about you, so he’ll ask you to collect “two little signatures” for him. When you ask what the signatures are for, he’ll reveal that the Dockworkers’ Union wants to build a youth center near the fishing village in Martinaise West, but that he needs two more of its residents to sign off on the idea. When you agree to the task — and you’ll have to agree if you want to get your gun back — Evrart will give you a White Envelope that contains the legal documents.


If you interact with the envelope, and if you pass a Logic check, then you’ll see that there isn’t any sort of loophole in the contracts — but the people in the fishing village will have to put up with a lot of noise during the three years of construction, and the youth center will be right next to their homes, which means they’ll probably end up selling their property and moving away. If you reveal this to Kim, then he’ll suggest that you forge the signatures or find other people to do the signing, and protect the residents of the fishing village, at least for a little while.

So you’ll have three ways to get signatures:

  • You can get one or more signatures from the correct people — that is, from Lilienne (#6) and Isobel (#8). Lilienne will sign without any issue, but Isobel will need convincing. To get Isobel to sign, you’ll first need to get Lilienne to sign, and then you’ll need to talk to Isobel and pass a Suggestion check. You’ll have an easier time with the check if you tell Isobel your full name (learned at your wrecked car, #5) and if you agree to stay in her shack (#7). If you fail the check, then you’ll lose Morale.
  • You can get one or more signatures from the wrong people — that is, from Idiot Doom Spiral and Don’t Call Abigail (#9). Just talk to Idiot Doom Spiral. He’ll get you the signatures you need.
  • You can forge one or more of the signatures. For this, you’ll have to interact with the White Envelope and pass an Interfacing check. At most locations you’ll take a -10 penalty to the check because Evrart’s people might be watching you, but if you’re someplace “where you feel safe enough to sleep” — that is, inside Isobel’s shack (#7) or your room in the Whirling-in-Rags (#2) — then you’ll remove the penalty.

Note: You won’t be able to cross the canal bridge (#4) and reach the fishing village until Day 3.

When you have any two signatures, you’ll need to drop the White Envelope into the mailbox in Martinaise East (#3). This will send the documents off to Evrart’s accountant in La Delta. Then when you return to Evrart (#1), he’ll finally give you enough information so you can find your gun (see the task Track Down Your Gun for details), and you’ll earn 70 xp for completing the task.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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