Get Yourself Organised – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Get Yourself Organised task in Disco Elysium.

Get Yourself Organised Map

disco elysium get yourself organised map
  1. Call-Me-Manana
  2. Cindy the Skull
  3. Steban’s Apartment

Get Yourself Organised Walkthrough


This is a political vision task. See the Political Vision Tasks Introduction for how to trigger it.


When you wake up on Day 4, a Rhetoric thought orb will appear over your head. When you click on it, you’ll learn that only 0.0001% of communism has been built, and that to reach 0.0002%, you’ll need to get organized. To that end, you’ll need to seek out other communists in Martinaise. Luckily, thanks to Rhetoric, you’ll be able to smell them when you get close to them. The two communists are:

  • Call-Me-Manana (#1). He’ll tell you about meeting a mysterious communist who told him, “Remember Dobreva and Abadanaiz.”
  • Cindy the Skull (#2). She’ll tell you about Steban, who runs “mega cool” and “very secret” meetings for communists. To learn the location of these meetings, Cindy will force you to oink for her. There isn’t any way around this. When you comply, you’ll learn that the meetings take place in the Capeside Apartments at 22:00.

If you’ve been to the Capeside Apartments already, then you might expect that the meetings are being held in apartment #11 (where the bust of Kras Mazov is located), but that’s not right. Instead, you’ll need to head out to the western balcony and knock on the upper door there (#3). When you tell the people inside the proper passphrase — “Remember Dobreva and Abadanaiz” — they’ll open the door for you.

Inside the apartment, you’ll meet Steban and Ulixes (aka Echo Maker). They’ll be trying and failing to build a tower out of matchboxes. When they notice you, they’ll inform you that they’re running “the most ideologically advanced materialistic reading group in Martinaise,” and that currently they’re the only two members. If you ask to join them, then you’ll have to pass an “impossible” Composure check. You can make this check easier by reading one or more books. You can buy books at the bookstore in the Doomed Commercial Area, and you can find a couple for free inside the foreclosed apartment in the Capeside Apartments, and just outside Lilienne’s house in the fishing village in Martinaise West.

When you pass the Composure check, you’ll be able to tell Steban and Ulixes about one of the books you’ve read, about the hanged man you’ve been investigating, or about your recent amnesia. Steban and Ulixes will be impressed, and they’ll give you the book A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism to read. It’ll describe how your thoughts can influence reality, which means if enough people believe in communism, then they can make it so.

After reading the book, when you return to Steban and Ulixes (either the same night or any night after 22:00), you’ll spend some time discussing it, and then you’ll be given a red “heroic” Rhetoric check. If you pass the check, then you’ll ask a theoretical question about communism. If you fail, then you’ll ask a question about women, which might cause you to lose Morale. Either way, asking the question will complete the task and earn you 30 xp.

Afterwards, if you read all of A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism, then you’ll get a chance to help Steban and Ulixes with their matchboxes, to see if the three of you (Kim won’t help) have enough plasm to make it work. With enough Hand/Eye Coordination and Interfacing, you’ll complete the tower — but only for an instant before it comes crashing down again. Finally, Steban will ask you some questions about the book club. Your answers won’t change anything.

Note: Inside Steban’s apartment, you’ll find a Reflective Construction Vest.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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