Getting the Hanged Man’s Boots – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Getting the Hanged Man’s Boots task in Disco Elysium.

Getting the Hanged Man’s Boots Map

disco elysium getting the hanged mans boots map
  1. Hanged Man
  2. Whirling-in-Rags
  3. Call-Me-Manana

Getting the Hanged Man’s Boots Walkthrough


There are two ways to trigger this task: by passing an Interfacing check when trying to pull the boots off the hanged man during your initial examination of him (#1), or by asking Call-Me-Manana (#3) about the hanged man’s armor during the task Where is the Rest of the Armour?


To claim the boots as your own, you’ll need to do three things:

  • You’ll need to get the hanged man down from the tree. See the task Getting the Body Down for how to do this.
  • You’ll need to complete a field autopsy on the hanged man. See the task Perform Field Autopsy for how to do this.
  • You’ll need to visit the hanged man without Kim being around (since he’ll disapprove of you stealing evidence). To separate yourself from Kim, wait until after 22:00 and then go to your room. This will cause Kim to go to his room as well, which means he’ll stop following you until the next morning.

When you pull the boots off the body, you’ll end up with Fairweather T-500 Boots with Rotting Flesh. To make them wearable, you’ll need to clean them. You can do this in the kitchen of the Whirling-in-Rags (#2), by boiling them in the big pot on the stove (it won’t make any difference if you use vinegar or not). You won’t be able to do this if Kim is around, and you’ll have to do it before midnight when the kitchen closes. Ideally, you’ll be able to clean the boots right after stealing them. Otherwise, you’ll have to go to bed early enough so you can still use the kitchen after Kim leaves, or wait until Kim takes the body to the morgue.

When your cleaning of the boots is complete, you’ll end up with Fairweather T-500 Greaves, and you’ll earn 30 xp for completing the task.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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