Help Ravers Start a Nightclub – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Help Ravers Start a Nightclub task in Disco Elysium.

Help Ravers Start a Nightclub Map

disco elysium help ravers start a nightclub map
  1. Blue Tent
  2. Acele
  3. Dolorian Church of Humanity

Help Ravers Start a Nightclub Walkthrough


You’ll meet Andre (plus Noid and Egg Head) in the blue tent in Martinaise West (#1). He’ll tell you that the nearby church is full of “dopeheads and burnouts,” and that they’re “spooky.” He’ll then ask you to clean them out so he and his fellow ravers can turn the church into a nightclub. If you agree to help, then you’ll trigger this task.


During your conversation with Andre, he’ll tell you that Noid put a padlock on the main entrance to the church. Noid will then toss you the key. If you pass a “medium” Reaction Speed check, then you’ll catch the key, and if you bask in the glory of your accomplishment, then you’ll heal a point of Morale. But if you fail the check, then the key will hit you in the eye, and you’ll lose a point of Health. But if you proceed to yell at Noid for trying to “eye-murder” you, then he’ll pay you 25 real. You can also just let the key fall to the ground, and pick it up from there.

If you keep talking to Andre, then you’ll learn a few more colorful things about the church: that a woman with “strange machines” showed up there two weeks ago, that there’s a patch of “awful silence” inside, and that a “crab-man” lurks near the ceiling. Before heading to the church, you might want to talk to Acele, the fourth member of the crew. She’ll be right outside the tent (#2). Acele will give you a few more details about the woman with the machines, and also about the crab-man, who will sound more like a spider than a crab.

Inside the church (#3), you’ll find a radiocomputer, but just like the computer in the Doomed Commercial Area, you won’t be able to do anything with it without a password. You’ll learn the password when you talk to the crab-man, whom you’ll meet after visiting the silent part of the church. The crab-man will tell you that he doesn’t have a problem with nightclubs.

When you use the password to access the computer, you’ll unlock a journal. While you’re reading it, Soona, the woman Andre and Acele mentioned, will come in and admonish you for tampering with her equipment. Soona will then explain that she came to the church to examine the silent area. When you ask her about nightclubs, she won’t be in favor.

When you return to Andre and tell him about the church’s two residents, he’ll be happy to hear about the crab-man, but he’ll be worried about Soona, and he’ll ask you to make some sort of deal with her — or evict her. This will give you two ways to proceed:

  • You can convince Soona to cooperate. For this, you’ll have to pass a “medium” Suggestion check. This will lead to the task Help Soona with Her Project. About halfway through that task, Soona will allow the ravers to share the church with her.
  • You can evict Soona. For this, you’ll have to pass a “formidable” Half-Light check. Soona will leave immediately, and she’ll disappear from the game. This is the quickest solution, but you’ll lose out on Soona’s task.

When you tell Andre that he and his fellow ravers can now use the church, they’ll pack up their gear and move inside. Then when you talk to Andre there, he’ll ask you to name the nightclub. You’ll be given three options, but your answer won’t influence anything. When you make your pick, you’ll complete the task and earn 70 xp.

To celebrate, Andre will begin dancing. If you pass an “impossible” Savoir Faire check, then you’ll bust some moves, too, which will heal your Health and Morale. You’ll then be able to get just about everyone else in the church to dance with you — including Kim, if you can pass a “legendary” Authority check. Finally, if you pass a “challenging” Shivers check, then you’ll “turn on the hyper-drive,” which will allow you to talk to the City of Revachol herself. None of this will lead to anything, but the entire sequence is entertaining.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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