Interview the Union Boss – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Interview the Union Boss task in Disco Elysium.

Interview the Union Boss Map

disco elysium interview the union boss map
  1. Hanged Man
  2. Cuno’s Shack
  3. Whirling-in-Rags
  4. Measurehead
  5. Harbor Office
  6. Evrart’s Sanctum

Interview the Union Boss Walkthrough


You’ll trigger this task when you complete the task Getting the Body Down (#1).


The union boss is Evrart Claire. You’ll find him in the harbor (#6) — which means you’ll have to get into the harbor. There are two ways to do this:

  • You can deal with Measurehead (#4), either by listening to his race theories or by beating him up. Either way, you’ll gain access to the harbor office (#5), which will allow you to enter the harbor.
  • With enough Perception, you can spot the entrance to Cuno’s shack (#2). Inside, you’ll find a ladder that will take you up to the roof of the harbor office. From there, with enough Savoir Faire, you can jump down into the harbor (and your RCM Patrol Cloak).

When you meet with Evrart, you’ll just need to say, “I want to talk about the hanging.” This will complete the task and earn you 10 xp. Of course, you won’t actually learn anything about the hanging yet, because Evrart doesn’t give anything away for free. To get him to talk, you’ll need to complete a task for him: Open Apartment Door for Evrart. There isn’t any way around this.

When Evrart does talk about the hanging, he’ll tell you a few things of interest: that the hanged man was a mercenary working for Wild Pines, that he got “drunk, violent, and a little rapey,” and that he got killed by a militant wing of the Dockworkers’ Union, namely Titus Hardie and his Hardie Boys. Evrart will then recommend that you don’t try to arrest the Hardie Boys, and he’s right. If you do try, then you’ll just end up floating facedown in a river, and you’ll have to load your game. However, Evrart will order the Hardie Boys to work with you, which means you’ll get some extra dialogue options when you talk to them. You’ll find the Hardie Boys in the Whirling-in-Rags (#3) starting on Day 2.

At the end of the conversation, Evrart will try to give you 5 real. This is a bribe, which you can take or not depending on how you’re playing your character.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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