Investigate Apartment #10 for the Cleaning Lady – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Investigate Apartment #10 for the Cleaning Lady task in Disco Elysium.

Investigate Apartment #10 for the Cleaning Lady Map

disco elysium investigate apartment 10 for the cleaning lady map
  1. Apartment #10
  2. Cleaning Lady

Investigate Apartment #10 for the Cleaning Lady Walkthrough


Inside the Capeside Apartments, if you knock on the door to apartment #10 (#1), a woman will answer, but she’ll refuse to let you in. If you ask the cleaning lady (#2) about the apartment, then she’ll inform you that it’s supposed to be empty, and she’ll ask you to investigate it. Her request will trigger the task.


When you return to the apartment door, you’ll be able to cite official police business and force the woman to let you in. Inside the apartment, you’ll discover that the woman is Marielle Charpentier from Martinaise Realty Associates, and that she’s been cleaning the apartment, preparing it for the next tenant. When you report this to the cleaning lady, you’ll complete the task and earn 10 xp.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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