Joyce’s Info on the Lynching – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Joyce’s Info on the Lynching task in Disco Elysium.

Joyce’s Info on the Lynching Walkthrough


You’ll receive this task when you ask Joyce (on her boat in Martinaise East) about the lynching.


Before revealing any information to you, Joyce will ask to see your badge. If you don’t have it yet, then you’ll need a different way to prove yourself to her, and you’ll be given a Suggestion check to come up with an answer. Regardless of whether you pass it or not, Joyce will allow you to demonstrate your competence by looking into the local drug trade for her (failing the check just means you’ll have to beg a little first, which will cost you Morale). This will give you two ways to proceed:

  • You can find your badge. This is covered in the task Track Down Your Badge. But note: if you don’t have your badge when you first meet Joyce, then she’ll force you to complete the drug investigation before she’ll talk to you, even if you find your badge in the meantime.
  • You can conduct the investigation. This is covered in the task The Jam Mystery.

When you’ve satisfied Joyce, she’ll inform you that the Wild Pines Group sent a three-person “security detail” to intimidate the Dockworkers’ Union, but that one of its soldiers — a man named Lely — apparently assaulted a woman and got himself lynched, and thus became the hanged man in the mystery you’ve been investigating. She’ll then warn you that the remaining two soldiers are planning to hold a tribunal about the lynching, with executions being the likely outcome. So Joyce will ask you to arrest a suspect quickly before the security detail starts indiscriminately killing people.

Note: If you ask about the two remaining soldiers, and if you pass a Logic check, then you’ll learn that one of them is the hulking scab leader outside the harbor gates.

At the end of your conversation with Joyce, you’ll earn 30 xp for completing the task.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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