Report the Dead Body to the Station – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Report the Dead Body to the Station task in Disco Elysium.

Report the Dead Body to the Station Map

disco elysium report the dead body to the station map
  1. Corpse
  2. Kim’s Car

Report the Dead Body to the Station Walkthrough


You’ll find the corpse of a man on the boardwalk in Martinaise West (#1). When you examine him with Kim, you’ll find a Folded Library Card in his pocket, and you’ll determine that he died in an accident. You’ll also realize that he’s the man the working class woman asked you to locate during the task Find Working Class Husband (if you triggered that task). Afterwards, you’ll be given two options: to identify the man yourself or to let Kim’s precinct handle it. You’ll trigger this task if you choose Kim’s precinct (and Dead Body on the Boardwalk otherwise).


To learn more about the man, you’ll need to interact with his library card. You’ll see that the card is for the Central Jamrock Public Library, and that it was issued to Billie Mejean. Next, you’ll need to head over to Kim’s car (#2) and use its radio to call his precinct. Between the library card and your examination of the corpse, you’ll give them enough information to get started in their investigation. That will complete the task and earn you 10 xp.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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