Sing Karaoke – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Sing Karaoke task in Disco Elysium.

Sing Karaoke Map

disco elysium sing karaoke map
  1. Whirling-in-Rags
  2. Pawnshop
  3. Tarpaulin

Sing Karaoke Walkthrough


You’ll trigger this task when you examine the speaker next to the karaoke stage in the Whirling-in-Rags (#1).


Before you can sing karaoke, you’ll need two things: a boombox and a sad song on tape. You’ll find the former — Tape Player “Harmon Wowshi W02” — available for 12 real at the pawnshop (#2). You’ll find the latter — Tape “Smallest Church in Saint-Saens” — under a tarpaulin in Martinaise West (#3).

When you have both items, you’ll need to interact with the tape to make sure that it will work for you. It will. Then you’ll need to talk to Garte in the Whirling-in-Rags. He won’t want you to sing karaoke, and he’ll make up several excuses for why it’s not possible, but as long as you keep at him, he’ll relent, and he’ll turn on the karaoke machine.

To sing karaoke, you’ll need to step up onto the karaoke stage and click on the microphone. This will bring up some dialogue options, including a red Drama check for when you’re ready to start. Don’t touch the microphone with your lips, or you’ll incur a -1 penalty. Wearing the Party Dragon’s Silk Robe will give you a +1 bonus (plus add +1 Drama). You can also get bonuses for being a Superstar Cop and for singing at night (after 19:00), provided you have 4 Savoir Faire and “look around the room first.”

You’ll start your performance regardless of how the Drama check goes. If you pass the check, then your Ancient Reptilian Brain will do the singing, and you’ll sound good (and even Garte will be impressed). If you fail the check, then your off-key Limbic System will do the singing, and you’ll sound bad. But either way, you’ll earn 30 xp for completing the task.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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