Speak to the Assault Victim – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Speak to the Assault Victim task in Disco Elysium.

Speak to the Assault Victim Map

disco elysium speak to the assault victim map
  1. Titus
  2. Klaasje’s Room
  3. Klaasje

Speak to the Assault Victim Walkthrough


At the end of the task Prove Your Authority to Titus Hardie, Titus (#1) will finally reveal the name of the raped woman: Klaasje Amandou, a resident at the Whirling-in-Rags (whom you probably met on Day 1). Learning about Klaasje will trigger this task.


When you knock on Klaasje’s door (#2), Klaasje will invite you inside. This will allow you to meet with her on the roof. You can also reach the roof through the task Explore the Whirling’s Secret Passages.

When you talk to Klaasje (#3), you’ll learn some interesting things about her — like that she’s from Oranje, and that she’s an “unpopular girl” there — but for the purposes of this task, you’ll just need to ask her about the rape and the Hardie Boys. Klaasje will tell you that the hanged man worked for the Wild Pines Group, and that the two of them partied together — willingly. She’ll also reveal that Titus told her to act like she’d been raped, just to make things look “spicier.” This will obviously contradict what Titus told you earlier.

When you confront Titus about this, he’ll stick to his story about Klaasje being raped. After all, who would know better than him? This will complete the task and earn you 10 xp. However, Titus will then announce that he has proof. He’ll tell you that he has a tape of the hanged man admitting to the rape, and he’ll offer it to you. If you take the Doorgunner Megamix tape, then you’ll trigger the task Doorgunner Megamix. If you refuse the tape, then you’ll instead trigger the tasks Get the Whole Story from Titus and Question Klaasje about the Tape.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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