Take on La Responsibilite – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Take on *La Responsibilite* task in Disco Elysium.

Take on *La Responsibilite* Map

disco elysium take on la responsibilite map
  1. The Sunday Friend
  2. Dolorian Church of Humanity
  3. Blue Tent
  4. Pawnshop
  5. Abandoned Lorry
  6. Statue of Filippe III
  7. Whirling-in-Rags
  8. Frittte
  9. Harbor Office

Take on *La Responsibilite* Walkthrough


This is a political vision task. See the Political Vision Tasks Introduction for how to trigger it.


When you wake up on Day 4, an Empathy thought orb will appear over your head. When you click on it, you’ll learn that some important things aren’t being controlled as much as they should be, and that a committee needs to be formed to keep everything in line. Empathy will then tell you to recruit “the most even-keeled minds in Martinaise” for the job, and it’ll suggest that you start with Kim.

When you talk to Kim, he’ll decline to be a part of the committee, but he’ll have an idea:

  • If you’ve already completed the task Interview the Sunday Friend, then Kim will recommend Charles Villedrouin (aka the Sunday Friend). To reach Villedrouin, you’ll need to talk to the Smoker on the Balcony, who will be in the cafeteria in the Whirling-in-Rags (#7). The smoker won’t know exactly where Villedrouin is, only that he planned to visit the coast. You’ll find Villedrouin in Martinaise West, next to the southern building (#1).
  • If you haven’t yet completed the task Interview the Sunday Friend, then Kim will just tell you to look for a Coalition official. You’ll then be able to interview Villedrouin when you meet him later.

When you talk to Villedrouin, he’ll tell you that the committee you’re trying to form already exists — the Committee of Responsibility for Revachol — and that you can contact them via Coalition Warship Archer. However, he’ll add that broadcasting on Coalition frequencies is difficult, which means you’ll have to do some “circuit-bending” to reach them, which only “techno-tinkerers” know how to do.

There are two techno-tinkerers who can help you out:

  • Noid. You’ll meet Noid inside the blue tent in Martinaise West (#3). To gain his assistance, you’ll need to complete enough of the task Help Ravers Start a Nightclub so that he and the other ravers move into the church next door (#3). This will allow you to complete the task Sync Sines with Noid. When you’re all synched up, Noid will agree to help you.
  • Soona. You’ll meet Soona inside the Dolorian Church of Humanity (#2). To enter the church, you’ll need to trigger the task Help Ravers Start a Nightclub. Then to get Soona to help you, you’ll need to progress far enough into that task so you can also trigger and complete the task Help Soona with Her Project. When Soona is done with her project, she’ll agree to help you.

Note: If you arrested or evicted the ravers, then Noid will be gone and you won’t be able to complete Soona’s project. This will break the task.

Your techno-tinkerer will tell you that none of the local radio towers can reach the Coalition warship, which means you’ll have to build a transmitter yourself. To figure out how to do this, you’ll need to pass a “legendary” Conceptualization check. When you do, you’ll decide to connect all of the stalled lorries in Martinaise East to the statue of Filippe III (#6), and form a giant “fractal antenna.” Your techno-tinkerer will be able to supply most of the hardware for this, but you’ll have to find a suitable radio transceiver yourself.

There are three radio transceivers in the game:

When you return to your tinkerer with a transceiver, you’ll learn that everything is in place for you to build the antenna, but that you should prepare yourself first. This is good advice. You should make sure that you can heal yourself, you should bump up Empathy and Interfacing as much as possible, you should wear gloves, and you should have the Standart 115mm Sabre from the task Meet Lilienne at Land’s End. Using the best possible transceiver helps as well.

Note: If your tinkerer is Soona, and if you ask her how you can prepare yourself, then she’ll recommend bringing some ammonia with you. This will allow you to buy an Ampoule of Ammonia from Frittte (#8). But the ammonia won’t really help you.

When you agree to start, you’ll automatically move to the statue (#6). You’ll then try to contact Coalition Warship Archer. This sequence will take a while, and you won’t be able to save in the middle of it, so you won’t be able to save scum your way through it. That’s why preparing first is a good idea.

The antenna sequence will proceed in three stages:

  • Remove crosstalk. When you power up the antenna, you’ll hear a variety of voices — including Kim’s, even though he’ll be standing right next to you and not talking. The quality of your transceiver will change how much of this you hear before you contact the warship.
  • Inspect connections. You won’t be able to hear the warship clearly, so your tinkerer will tell you to check the antenna connections. This will require you to climb up to the top of the statue. Wearing gloves will help you with the climb, but you’ll probably lose a point of Health regardless.

    When you reach the top of the statue, you’ll see that it’s covered with “weird oils.” If you picked Soona as your tinkerer, and she mentioned ammonia to you before heading out to the statue, then you’ll be able to use an Ampoule of Ammonia here to clean the statue. If you have 4 Logic, then you’ll also be able to use alcohol to get the job done. However, if having a clean antenna changes anything, we didn’t detect it.

    Finally, you’ll need to change the shape of the antenna. If you look at Filippe III, and if you have the Standart 115mm Sabre, then you’ll be able to place the sabre in Filippe’s hand or in the horse’s mouth (the latter option requires 4 Conceptualization). Afterwards, you’ll end up with a red “godly” Interfacing check. You’ll get bonuses for this check from wearing gloves (+1), from researching the thought Actual Art Degree (+1), from using the signal purifier on the best transceiver (+2), and from placing the sabre (+2). If you pass the check, then you’ll improve the antenna. If you fail the check, then you’ll knock the horse’s head off the statue and make the antenna worse. The latter will likely lead to you losing Health.
  • Talk to the warship. You’ll finally have a clear connection to Coalition Warship Archer, but it won’t last for long. Depending on the quality of your antenna, you’ll get to ask between two and four questions, including asking about the Committee. So you can take the opportunity to learn more about the Coalition and the Moralintern if you want, or you can jump right to the task at hand. If you run out of time, then you’ll lose connection to the warship, and you’ll miss out on the end of the task, but you’ll still get the full reward (see below).

    When you talk to the warship about the Committee, you’ll get a “heroic” Empathy check. If you fail the check, then you’ll get sidetracked and mention your memory loss, or you’ll complain about Kim hampering you, and you won’t get anywhere. This will cause the warship to sign off, ending the task, and you’ll probably lose some Health and Morale.

    If you pass the Empathy check, then you’ll tell the warship about the current “powderkeg” in Martinaise, with the Dockworkers’ Union pitted against the Wild Pines Group. At the end, if you’ve completed the task Help Soona with Her Project, and if you’ve passed a “godly” Logic check with her, then you’ll also be able to bring up the Pale. If you don’t mention the Pale, then the warship will say that they can’t help you at this time, and that’s how the task will end. If you mention the Pale, then you’ll get picked up by one of the warship’s shuttles, and you’ll disappear from the game (“Weeks Later, No Answers about Extracted Cop”).

Provided you don’t disappear from the game, you’ll earn 30 xp for completing the task, regardless of how well you do. Your tinkerer will also let you have a Specialist-Grade Headset (found in a box between Soona and Noid). There isn’t any way to give the headset to Acele to make up for the one sold by Andre.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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