The Jam Mystery – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete The Jam Mystery task in Disco Elysium.

The Jam Mystery Map

disco elysium the jam mystery map
  1. Joyce Messier
  2. Hanged Man
  3. Kim’s Car
  4. Tommy Le Homme
  5. Racist Lorry Driver
  6. Paledriver
  7. Lady Driver’s Lorry
  8. Siileng

The Jam Mystery Walkthrough


When you ask Joyce (#1) about the lynching, she’ll refuse to talk to you unless you show her your badge. If you don’t have it, then she’ll offer you this task as a way for you to prove yourself to her.


Joyce will ask you to investigate drug trafficking in Martinaise, and she’ll suggest that you start with the lorry drivers, who might be ferrying the cargo. There are three drivers you can talk to: the racist lorry driver (#5), Paledriver (#6), and Tommy Le Homme (#4). They’ll deny any wrongdoing, but the racist lorry driver will inform you that the merchant Siileng is a lorry driver, too.

When you talk to Siileng (#8), he’ll wriggle around for a while, but eventually he’ll reveal that the culprit is “the lady driver.” However, he’ll claim that he doesn’t know anything about her. To learn more about the lady driver, you’ll need to return to the other drivers:

  • Paledriver (#6). She won’t tell you anything new, but at least she’ll confrim that she’s not the lady driver.
  • Racist lorry driver (#5). To learn anything from him, you’ll need to pass a Half-Light check. You’ll have an easier time with this if you let Kim pretend that you’re with La Puta Madre. If you pass the check, then the racist driver will tell you where to find the lady driver’s lorry.
  • Tommy Le Homme (#4). He’ll admit to being friends with the lady driver, and he’ll tell you some things about her, including that she has blue and violet hair, but he won’t want to rat her out. To get Tommy to tell you more, you’ll have to “force” him to keep talking. He’ll then point out the lady driver’s lorry to you, and he’ll give you Key to Abandoned Lorry so you can open it up. But he won’t be happy with you, and he’ll refuse to talk to you in the future, on this topic or any other (luckily, this is the only task he’s involved in, so you won’t really miss anything).

You’ll find the lady driver’s lorry to the south (#7). If you have the key from Tommy, then you’ll be able to open it right up. Otherwise, you’ll need the Prybar from Kim’s car (#3), and you’ll need to pass a Physical Instrument check to get the lorry open.

Inside the lorry, you’ll notice that the lady driver glued a piece of sandpaper to the throttle. If you previously examined the footprints beneath the body of the hanged man (#2), then you’ll recognize the marking, and you’ll realize that the lady driver must have been present for the lynching. You’ll also find a note mentioning “the ULAN frequency system.”

After searching the lorry, Kim will want to talk to you. He’ll be disturbed by what you found — that the drug operation appears to have major funding and a wide scope — and he’ll speculate that union boss Evrart Claire must know about it even in the unlikely event that he isn’t involved. Kim will then tell you that he’ll contact his narcotics department at the end of the day and let them take over the investigation.

When you return to Joyce (#1), you can tell her exactly what you discovered, or you can be opaque about whether there will even be an investigation. Either way, she’ll be satisfied, and you’ll earn 70 xp for completing the task.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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