Track Down Your Gun – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Track Down Your Gun task in Disco Elysium.

Track Down Your Gun Map

disco elysium track down your gun map
  1. Evrart’s Sanctum
  2. Kim’s Car
  3. Pawnshop

Track Down Your Gun Walkthrough


You can trigger this task in two ways: by completing the task Report Your Badge Missing or by talking to Evrart Claire (#1) and asking him about your gun.


Three people can help you track down your gun:

  • Sylvie. You can call her using the radio in Kim’s car (#2). She’ll tell you that you had your gun one night, but then the next you only had money. So she’ll speculate that you pawned it.
  • Bird’s Nest Roy at the pawnshop (#3). He’ll tell you that you pawned your gun for 15 real. When you ask him about the buyer, he’ll inform you that she was a woman, and that she kept referring to herself as a “Pig.” But he won’t know who she was or where she went.
  • Evrart Claire (#1). He’ll tell you that he’s already heard about your gun, and that he has his “best hounds” looking for it. But he won’t tell you anything more — yet.

Talking to Evrart will complete the task and earn you 10 xp. But of course, even with the task done, you won’t be any closer to finding your gun. To actually locate it, you’ll need to complete two tasks for Evrart: Open Apartment Door for Evrart and Get Two Signatures for Evrart. Once you’ve done those things, he’ll finally reveal that your gun is in the possession of an old woman named the Pigs, who can be found on the boardwalk each night after 22:00. This will trigger the task Confront the Pigs and Get Your Gun Back.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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