Walkthrough Summary – Disco Elysium

This guide is a summary of the tasks involved in the murder investigation. You’re not required to complete all of these tasks, but it’s a good idea if you want a full understanding of what’s going on. Also, the days listed are just the first day when the associated tasks can be completed. They’re not necessarily the days when you should complete them.

Walkthrough Summary Map

disco elysium walkthrough summary map
  1. Whirling-in-Rags
  2. Hanged Man
  3. Capeside Apartments
  4. Joyce Messier
  5. Evrart’s Sanctum
  6. Feld Building
  7. Deserter

Walkthrough Summary

Day 1

Talk to Garte in the Whirling-in-Rags (#1). This is covered in the task Interview the Cafeteria Manager. He’ll give you directions to the body.

Examine the hanged man, whom you’ll find behind the Whirling-in-Rags (#2). This is covered in the tasks Inspect Victim’s BodyGetting the Body DownPerform Field Autopsy, and Send Victim’s Body to Processing. You’ll discover that the man was hung using a reinforced belt — the type used in harbors, making the Dockworkers’ Union your primary suspect — and you’ll notice eight sets of footprints at the crime scene.

Note: You might also notice that the hanged man was shot before he was hanged. This is covered in the task Find the Bullet before You Get Fooled. If you don’t discover the bullet now, you’ll realize your mistake when you talk to Titus and Klaasje later.

Talk to Joyce Messier on her boat (#4). This is covered in the tasks Interview the Wild Pines Rep and Joyce’s Info on the Lynching. You’ll learn that the hanged man was working as a mercenary for Wild Pines, and that the rest of his squad is planning a “tribunal,” which will likely result in them attacking the Dockworkers’ Union.

Talk to Evrart Claire in the harbor (#5). This is covered in the task Interview the Union Boss. He’ll reveal that the hanged man was working for Wild Pines, that he was “rapey,” and that he was killed by a militant part of the Dockworkers’ Union, namely Titus Hardie and his Hardie Boys.

Day 2

Talk to the smoker on the balcony at the Capeside Apartments (#3). This is covered in the tasks The Smoker on the Balcony and Interview the Sunday Friend. You’ll learn that “maybe eight” people were involved in the lynching, and that the lynching was “oddly quiet.”

Talk to Titus Hardie and the Hardie Boys (#1). This is covered in the task Interrogate the Vigilantes. They’ll admit to stringing up the hanged man, but they’ll claim he raped someone. When you complete the task Prove Your Authority to Titus Hardie, Titus will tell you the name of the rape victim: Klaasje Amandou.

Explore the Whirling-in-Rags (#1). This is covered in the task Explore the Whirling’s Secret Passages. You’ll learn that someone has been spying on Klaasje, and you’ll notice that their footprints are different than those at the crime scene.

Talk to Klaasje (#1). This is covered in the task Speak to the Assault Victim. She’ll reveal that she wasn’t raped. This will start a back-and-forth between her and Titus, resulting in the tasks Doorgunner MegamixGet the Whole Story from Titus, and Make Titus Give Up Ruby’s Location. Between the three tasks, you’ll learn that the hanged man didn’t die from the hanging; he was shot first, and a woman named Ruby orchestrated the cover-up to protect Klaasje from the police.

Day 3

Track down Ruby (#6). This is covered in the tasks Ask about Ruby in the Village and Look for Ruby on the Coast. You’ll find Ruby in the Feld Building. She’ll claim that she didn’t shoot the hanged man, and that it was Klaasje who orchestrated the cover-up.

Survive the tribunal. This is covered in the task Return to the Whirling-in-Rags. Several people will either die or disappear as a result of this event, including Evrart Claire, Joyce Messier, Klaasje, and Ruby. You’ll get shot, but it’ll only take you two days to recover.

Day 5

Examine the window (#1). This is covered in the tasks Determine Where the Shot Came From and Inspect the Window in Klaasje’s Bedroom. You’ll realize that the shot must have come from the Island.

Reach the Island. This is covered in the task Go to the Island.

Interrogate the deserter on the Island (#7). He’ll admit to killing the hanged man. This is covered in the tasks Extract a Confession from the DeserterExtract a Motive, and Find the Murder Weapon.

Wrap things up. This is covered in the task The Return.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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