Where Is the Rest of the Armour? – Disco Elysium

This guide will help you complete the Where Is the Rest of the Armour? task in Disco Elysium.

Where Is the Rest of the Armour? Map

disco elysium where is the rest of the armour map
  1. Hanged Man
  2. Cuno
  3. Call-Me-Manana

Where Is the Rest of the Armour? Walkthrough


You’ll trigger this task when you inspect the hanged man (#1) and notice that he’s only wearing boots.


If you ask Cuno (#2) about the missing armor, then he’ll tell you two things of interest: that he threw the helmet into the sea, and that Call-Me-Manana (#3) was snooping around the corpse. When you talk to Manana, he’ll admit to investigating the “armor situation” for the Dockworkers’ Union, and he’ll reveal that there are four pieces to the set. But he’ll claim that he didn’t take any of them, and that Cuno is just trying to cause trouble.

At this point, you’ll have to make a decision: to track down the entire armor set or just one piece of it. This will trigger the task Find All Armour Pieces or Find One Armour Piece (the latter is easier to complete but the former is worth more xp). If you haven’t yet triggered the task Getting the Hanged Man’s Boots, then you’ll trigger that as well.

When you return to Cuno, if you have Suggestion 5, then you’ll be able to thank him for the tip. This will make him look like a snitch, which will give you a +2 bonus when trying to pass the Empathy check with him later (see Cuno’s entry in the Martinaise East page for details). But regardless, talking to Cuno will complete the task and earn you 10 xp.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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