Thoughts – Disco Elysium

Welcome to our Disco Elysium thoughts section!

As you play the game, you’ll unlock thoughts in your Thought Cabinet. You’ll need a slot for each thought. You’ll begin the game with three slots available, plus nine more that you can purchase using skill points. You’ll need to research thoughts to gain the full benefit from them. It’ll take you time to do the research. You’ll only be able to conduct research while you’re awake.

While you’re researching a thought, you’ll gain a bonus from it, and you’ll be able to move it into or out of a Thought Cabinet slot at any time. When the research is complete, you’ll replace the researching bonus with a new (and usually better) bonus, and the thought will stay in its slot permanently, unless you remove it by spending a skill point. If you remove a researched thought from its slot, then you’ll lose it for good.

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