Charms – Divine Divinity

Welcome to our Divine Divinity charms section!

Even though it doesn’t sound like it, the “enchant weapon” skill (in the Path of the Warrior Gods) is the skill you’ll need to learn to put charms into all objects. The “charm” skill is unrelated.

Then, given your skill level with “enchant weapon” and the charm quality of an object, you can put charms into the object up to the minimum of those two values. For example, if your skill level is 3 and the object has a charm quality of 5, you can only put 3 charms into the object. To put more in you’ll have to augment your skill.

But note: it only matters what your skill level is with “enchant weapon” when you try to put charms into the object. If you can find and wear an object that gives you a bonus to “enchant weapon,” then that’s a skill point you can allocate elsewhere.

To put a charm into an object, simply wear the object and left click on it. A menu will pop up showing the available charm slots in the object. Then drag a charm to one of the slots to insert it. Once a charm has been inserted, you won’t be able to undo it, so be patient and only use the best charms in the best equipment.

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