Activation Scrolls – Divine Divinity

Not far into Divine Divinity you’ll learn that you need activation scrolls in order to work the teleporters located around the world. This guide will help you find them.

Dwarf scroll

Looted off the table in Krasnegar’s room in the Dwarven Bread Inn, or found on a table in the mayor’s house in the dwarven village. You can also receive one as a reward for completing a quest for the dwarven king in the Dwarven Halls.

Elven scroll

Given by elven lord Eredor in the Archer’s Guild.

Human scroll

Given by General Mitox the first time you meet him. You can find another in the Engineer’s room in the Cursed Abbey.

Imp scroll

Located in the Imp Castle.

Lizard scroll

Given by Gomoe after you’ve learned about the scrolls.

Mage scroll

Given by Zandalor the first time you meet him.

Orc scroll

Found in Baluk’s tent in the Main Orc Camp.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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