Broken Valley Maxos’ Temple – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you navigate Maxos’ Temple in the Broken Valley in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Maxos’ Temple Map

divinity ii maxos temple map
  1. Entrance
  2. The Urn Riddle
  3. The Greed Riddle
  4. The Mirror Riddle
  5. The Jumping Puzzle
  6. Teleport Shrine
  7. Teleport Destination
  8. Temple Room
  9. Temple Room
  10. Temple Room
  11. Temple Room
  12. Spiral Stairway
  13. Black Ring Band, The Librarian, Abalam
  14. Secret Room
  15. Amdusias
  16. Teleport Shrine
  17. The Sentinel Island Exit

Maxos’ Temple Walkthrough

The temple can be accessed during the main quests Paper Trail and Dragon No More. There are also side quests to be done inside, and they’ll be explained on this page as well: Lost Soul and A Tale of Two Tomes.

As you explore the place, you’ll come across pedestals which you should read to gain a clue about the puzzles set in front of you. The one at #2 is solved by using the only non-broken vase nearby.

In the next chamber, you’ll have to solve three different puzzles in order to activate the teleport shrine and proceed. The one at #3 asks of you not to succumb to greed. Follow the designated corridor and do not touch any gold containers, but instead take the pumpkin, the only item in the room that isn’t gold.

The puzzle at #4 has you travelling to another room by using the teleporter shrine. What you should do is find the different between the left and right side of the room. It a small cup in the left part of the room. You’ll notice it gleaming in the darkness. As usual clear the enemies and continue.

At #5, the puzzle involves jumping around the platforms and pressing levers. It’s fairly simple, just jump up the platforms until you reach the levers. The first one prods one of the platforms to move around, so just time your jump right. The next lever you reach activates the shrine slightly below, which takes you almost to the top. There you’ll find three levers. Use them to adjust the three platforms (press the left one two times, the middle one once, and the right one once) you’ll need to jump over to reach the otherside where the torch is. Use the last lever and it’s over.

After passing the three riddles, use the teleporter at #6 to reach the other part of the temple (#7). You’ll be greeted by a walking corpse that Laiken (the “Dragon Knight god” that people worshipped in the Bandit Camp) patched up. She’ll tease you a bit and then run away, laughing because you won’t pass the last test.

As you enter the room at #9, enemies will spawn and you’ll have to defeat them in order to reopen the door. Search the room for some minor treasures and then use the plate on the eastern wall (exactly where the “hidden” room appears to be on the map). Use the lever inside to remove the first obstacle on the door. You’ll have to do the same in the room #10. Rooms #8 and #11 are essentially useless, but they’ll still spawn enemies to kill for experience, so it isn’t too shabby.

Now that the door at #12 is open, head to the bottom of the room after clearing the chest on the opposite side of the room. Interact with the pedestal and you’ll receive the main quest Dragon No More. There’s also a key to be found on the chandelier above the pedestal, however it doesn’t seem to unlock anything.

In the next room (#13), you’ll meet Black Ring members which you’ll need to kill, and then a group of friendly scholar ghosts which served in the temple. Mindreading the librarian gives you knowledge about an ancient language. He also gives the quest A Tale of Two Tomes. Abalam, the other ghost, gives you a quest the opposite Lovis gave you, to shatter his soul instead (the quest is called In Cold Blood). If you tell him that you do not want to do that, the other ghosts will attack you. It’s highly advisable to bring the soul back to Lovis as the rewards are much better and tell the ghost that you’ll reconsider.

Head to the room south in order to meet up with a few more Black Ring members. Search their rooms after the fight and you’ll find a secret chamber at #14 once you pull the book on the shelf. Grab the key and the phial of blood. The chest is off-limits for now. The key opens the chest on the lower floor at the eastern wall in the same room. It contains the book Orbis Arcesso, the first part. Head to the librarian to get the second one.

The room at #15 leads outside the temple, towards the altar. You’ll be stopped by Amdusias in his dragon form. If you wish, you can mindread him and then head back to unlock his chest (#14). Now prepare to run. Make sure you have the Phial of Blood and the book Orbis Arcesso in your inventory. Head towards the altar and pick up the scales. Try to minimize the damage taken from the dragon. Pick up the glowing dragon scales and use the book. This will transform Amdusias back to human form.

He has a rather nasty ranged attack so try to stay melee with him if possible. Once he dies, a book will appear on the altar which increases all your stats by one once you read it. Loot Amdusias’ corpse to gain Lovis’ Soul Stone and a few more fairly useful items. It is your choice whether you wish to return back to Lovis and give him his soul or destroy it on the altar (by using it) and then reporting to Abalam.

Either way, the main quest that you get now (Hall of Echoes Bound) is the one that stretches until the end of the game. It’s divided into four submain quests. If you have anything else to do in the Broken Valley, use the teleport shrine (#16) to get out of the temple, otherwise head for The Sentinel island at #17.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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