Broken Valley Overview – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you navigate the Broken Valley in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Broken Valley Map

divinity ii broken valley map
  1. Village and Outskirts
  2. Mysterious Shrine, Talana
  3. Mysterious Shrines
  4. Derelict Tunnels
  5. Parchments
  6. Bandit Camp
  7. Eugene
  8. Quarry
  9. Demonic Pedestal
  10. Yup’ik
  11. Rothman
  12. Viper
  13. George Gremory
  14. Ravaged Caravan
  15. Filip, Jenae
  16. New Miners’ Dig
  17. Sosostra
  18. Dreavan
  19. Sir Robin’s Storage
  20. Slayerbane
  21. ZixZax
  22. Naberius’ Storage
  23. Maxos’ Temple
  24. Lovis’ Tower
  25. Orange Levers
  26. Heroic goblins’ ambush
  27. Casper
  28. The Sleeping Trio
  29. Bellegar’s Teleport
  30. The Way to Orobas Fjords

Area Overview

This section covers the important parts and areas found in the Broken Valley. You’ll also find several waypoints (#W) throughout the land which will enhance your travelling speed.

Besides the points of interest listed below, there’s a special event that occurs only in Broken Valley, however at random places. If you slaughter over 20 rabbits or so over the course of the game, a giant level 22 killer rabbit will spawn nearby and attempt to kill you almost instantly. One of the very few ways to defeat him is to run into water and shoot him down with arrows as he appears to be aquaphobic. He drops several very useful high level items at the point of the game.

1 – Village and Outskirts

This is area is covered in a separate overview map, because it contains a lot of points of interesting by itself.

2 – Mysterious Shrine, Talana

This is the place where you’ll meet Talana and Zandalor for this first time. After finishing your second main quest, head over to this stone circle and you’ll have a coversation with the last Dragon Knight, Talana. She’ll induce her Dragon memories into you and turn you into a Dragon Knight in the process.

After your flight through her memories, you’ll obtain the next main quest, Looking for Lovis. You can also mindcontrol her to learn the location of her axe, Slayerbane (#20).

3 – Mysterious Shrines

There are five more shrines that look similar to the one at #2. However, each time you approach the ones at #3 will summon the mage Bellegar, who spawns creatures for you to fight. He does all this in a funny rhyming fashion. There will be goblins at first, then a demon, then the undead and a troll.

In the end, once you defeat the creatures at all the circles, you’ll witness a cinematic where Bellegar teleports to the shrine at #2. Once there, he’ll spawn all the creatures you fought wave after wave. In the end, he’ll shower you with gold purses that contain gems and gold.

4 – Derelict Tunnels

There are three entrances to the Derelict Tunnels.

5 – Parchments

Throughout your adventures, you’ll come across four parchments written in draconian language. Once you’ve acquired all of them, bring them to ZixZax (#21). He’ll translate them and point out that they are speaking about the mage, Bellegar, whom you’ll meet on several occasions. “Bellegar” is in fact, the password for the smaller one-way teleport shrines, specifically the one near Naberius’ cave.

As far as the locations for the parchments go, one is located south of the Tribal shrine, the second one is located in the chest at the mysterious shrine just a tad bit to the south. The third is located in the chest right next to the Bandit Camp entrance. The fourth one is located even further south, in the chest at another mysterious shrine.

6 – Bandit Camp

Once you find out about the bandit camp and its password in the quest Into the Bandit’s Den, you’ll be able to explore the bandit’s camp.

Christopher will stop you at first and you can mindread him to gain a stat point. Once you give him the password, he’ll let you in and there are several quests to do inside. Check this page for more info.

7 – Eugene

Eugene is the main objective of the quest Method or Madness.

8 – Quarry

This quarry won’t have a whole lot of use early on in the game. You’ll only see a cinematic of a group of guardsmen trying to seal it away. You can then explore its exterior to kill a few enemies.

9 – Demonic Pedestal

At this point, you’ll start up a small event once you interact with the book on the pedestal nearby. Enemies will spawn wave after wave, for a total of three waves. At first there will only be just two black ring members, then three of them and finally a demon. Killing the demon will cause the hell gate to explode. In addition to the experience gained from the kills, demon tends to drop some nice loot as well.

10 – Yup’ik

Yupi’k is the objective of the quest A Hunting We Shall Go.

11 – Rothman

Rothman starts the quest Stuck in a Hole.

12 – Viper

Viper is the objective of the quest A Hunting We Shall Go. He can be mindread to drop additional gems.

13 – George Gremory

George is the archaeologist inspect the large gate with draconic engravings on it. He starts the quest Lost for Words.

14 – Ravaged Caravan

You’ll find Tagos’ axe lying about once you’ve taken his quest in the Bandit Camp. Check the quest An Axe to Find.

Once Sosostra tells you about your fortune the second time, a knight will spawn on the bridge nearby and he’ll want to duel you. If you mindread him before the battle, he’ll drop a very nice one-handed sword.

15 – Filip, Jenae

Filip and Jenae are involved in the quest Daylight Robbery.

16 – New Miners’ Dig

Entrance to the New Miners’ Dig.

17 – Sosostra

Sosotra is a fortune teller who lives in her caravan to the far west. She’ll be able to tell you the fortune twice for 50 gold every time. The first time, she’ll see a white rabbit. Just go down the stream and follow the rabbit with blue sparkles emanating from it. It’ll lead you into a treasure chest after a while. The second time, she’ll see a knight in shining armor who wants to duel you on a bridge (#14).

The third time she tells you the fortune, she sees you up in the sky, overlooking the Broken Valley. Head to the Maxos’ temple (#23). On your way to there, you’ll be stopped by Bellegar who’ll teleport you high up on a cliff. There are a few treasure chests in there, and one of them contains a nice mace. The fourth fortune is about the face off between you and Damian, and as such, it scared her.

Right next to her is the entrance to Miller’s Storage. If you’ve attained the password from Abanayabar back in the village by mindreading it, you can enter it, though it doesn’t have a whole lot of treasures to be found.

18 – Dreavan

Dreavan is the only one who can enchant your gear around here in the valley. He’ll do so after you finish his quest The Hunt for Red Ore. You can also mindread him to find out the password for his storage located nearby.

Beside Dreavan there’s also a wishing well, which will give you appropriate rewards depending upon the amount of coin you pour into it. Giving it 10 gold gives you a common bracelet or 500 experience, depending on your choice. Pouring in 100 gold gives you a better bracelet or 1500 experience. Finally, dropping 1000 gold into the well gives 5000 experience, or a bracelet with +1 wisdom. You can only wish once.

19 – Sir Robin’s Storage

If you’ve mindread Sir Robin in the village tavern, you’ll be able to access his storage. There are several treasure chests inside and after you loot the last one, three armored boars will appear to attack you.

20 – Slayerbane

You’ll find Talana’s axe here, if you mindread her during the conversation.

21 – ZixZax

ZixZax is the imp and some sort of a keeper outside the Maxos’ Temple. You can mindread him to gain whooping two skill points for the effort. He also understands draconic language and helps you out with the parchments (#5) and the quest with George Gremory (#13).

22 – Naberius’ Storage

After handing the four parchments to ZixZax (#21), you’ll be able to teleport up to this storage by using a nearby one-way teleport shrine near the chapel waypoint shrine. Up there, you’ll meet several goblins and then inside the storage you’ll see a key to the left, in the skeleton’s cage.

You should probably save your game as the next point tends to be very hard, depending on the difficulty of course. Three high level skeletons will spawn and they’ll chop you down in a matter of seconds. Once you get past them, use the key on the locked door and you’ll find a skillbook on a chair, besides the usual goodies from the treasure chests.

23 – Maxos’ Temple

This area becomes prominent a bit later in the game, as you can’t enter it right away. However, you’ll meet Rhode, Marius and two more Slayers right in front of it. Rhode will realize that the Dragon Knight Talana resides in your mind and she’ll order Marius and the others to kill you while she leaves. Defeat the three of them and you’ll receive some nice loot, and the Arben’s sword you had to give up earlier in the game.

Also, be sure to check out the area around the temple. There are two dragon crystals to be found on each side of the pathway leading up to the temple and one near the teleport shrine of the temple. Bring all three dragon crystals to the statue near ZixZax (#21) to get a treasure chest to spawn.

24 – Lovis’ Tower

This place is the main objective of a few quests, mainly Looking for Lovis and Lovis’ Loot.

Once you meet Lord Lovis you can mindread him to get a funny remark and the chest on his left side opened. He also starts the quests Lost Soul and Paper Trail.

25 – Orange Levers

There are four levers throughout the broken valley. One is located next to Mouse, back in the outskirts of the village. One is near George Gremory in the south of the valley. The third one is located just near the Tribal shrine. The fourth one is located in the west, on the way to Dreavan.

After pressing all four levers, a treasure chest will appear south of Sosotra (#17), over the stream.

26 – Heroic goblins’ ambush

Be careful once you try to cross the river here, as several goblin warriors and shamans will come out and do a well-prepared attack.

27 – Casper

You’ll find a man here called Casper, who has apparently tied his fate to a chicken. The chicken he speaks of is located just a tad bit to the south, at the Bellegar’s mysterious shrine. There’s nothing you can do to help him so you might as well put him out of his misery by slaying the white chicken.

28 – The Sleeping Trio

As you head south from the tribal shrine, passing the hollow trunk bridge and then going all the way to the end and then upwards, you’ll reach the sleeping trio. Mindread each one of them to see what they need to wake up.

Furley needs a drink. Bring him either a beer or wine, any kind will do. Namdar needs a healing potion and Nightwinkle needs an apple. Upon waking all three of them, you’ll get a very valuable malachite gem as a reward.

29 – Bellegar’s Teleport

There’s a small teleport shrine out here that will spawn you on top of the Lovis’ tower.

29 – The Way to Orobas Fjords

This one will be closed until a bit later in the game.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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