Broken Valley Side Quests Pt. 3 – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you complete the third batch of side quests found in the Broken Valley in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Broken Valley Side Quests Pt. 3 Map

divinity ii broken valley side quests 3 map
  1. Barracks
  2. Tavern
  3. Romon
  4. Hjalmar
  5. Derelict Tunnels
  6. Yup’ik
  7. Bandit Camp
  8. Viper
  9. Bellegar’s Shrine
  10. George Gremory
  11. Dreavan
  12. Stuck in a Hole
  13. Naberius’ Cave
  14. New Miners’ Dig
  15. Eugene
  16. ZixZax
  17. Lovis’ Tower

Side Quests Pt. 3 Walkthrough

This page lists the additional side quests that can be completed after you finish the first two main quests.

A Hunting We Shall Go

When you ask Rodney (#1) whether he needs any help with the job of protecting the town, he’ll be quick to point out that there were some creatures he’d like to see dead. This quest wil essentially combine a few bounty-type quests into one. Once you return each of the hunting trophies found on the creatures that need to die, you’ll receive 1200 experience, 300 gold and a usual choice of 600 experience, 150 gold or a potion. Bringing in all the trophies ends this quest and gives you an additional reward.

The first one to kill is Hjalmar (#4). It’s located in the goblin camp and, presumably, leads the goblin attack. Hjalmar looks like a ball of fire that shoots fireballs. It’s easy to deal with and shouldn’t pose a lot of trouble, just make sure not to engage too many enemies at once. Loot it for a hunting trophy: Hjalmar Mask.

The others are found beyond the narrow passage to the west. You’ll need to complete at least the first two main quests to proceed there.

Hallorn is located in Derelict Tunnels (one of the entrances is at #5). Check out the information on that dungeon here.

Yup’ik is a goblin in the southeast (#6). He’s got a lot of other goblins around him, so thread carefully. Jagon is located inside the temple which is located in the bandit camp (#7). Check out the quest The Temple of Doom on how to reach and defeat Jagon. Viper leads a small band of archers to the south (#8). He can be mindread to drop additional gems.

Once you’ve collected all the bounties individually, this quest will also finish. Rodney (#1) will commend you on your tremendous work and say that the whole valley is indebted to you. The rewards are usual, a sum of experience, gold and a choice of either gold, experience, a charm, potion or a weapon. You’ll get a great chestpiece in addition as well.

The Greater Hunter

After liberating the tavern (#2) from the Seekers’ armymen, you’ll meet Brave Sir Robin on the first floor. He’ll pose as a very arrogant person, looking upon you in a condescending way. He’ll also boast how he killed a boar which threatened the town some time ago.

In order to prove you’re not a weakling, you’ll have to bring him an extraordinary hunters’ trophy. A pefect match would be a Demon’s claw looted from demons that Bellegar spawns during one of the encounters with him (#9). Another demon can be found during the quest Lost for Words (#10).

Once you’ve acquired the Demon’s claw from any demon, head back to Brave Sir Robin, and he’ll name you the greatest hunter. In addition to the usual quest rewards, you’ll receive his gloves as well.

Vigor Mortis

This quest starts at Naberius’ once you talk to him in his lab cave (#13). You need to bring him a crystal skull in order to help him finish his project. This skull is located at New Miners’ Dig (#14).

Inside the mine, you’ll meet several Lesser Creatures. One of them will drop the Crystal Skull. After returning, you’ll finish the quest and acquire the creature which you can summon by using the Crystal Skull. Throughout your adventures, you’ll find additional body parts and you can return to Naberius if you want to enhance your creature. The creature looks very similar as the Lesser Creatures you’d fought and it proves to be a useful meatshield for tackling larger groups of enemies.

The Hunt for Red Ore

This quest starts once you talk to Dreavan (#11). He’s a blacksmith who can enchant your gear. However, he needs some red ore first and there’s no better place to get some like Derelict Tunnels, particularly the eastern part of it.

The rewards are the usual ones, and you’ll be able to enchant your gear as you’ve helped him reopen the furnace.

Stuck in a Hole

This quest starts once you talk to Rothman (#12), who fell into a goblin trap, while hunting the hearts for Richard. In order to help him out, you’ll need to bring a rope.

If you don’t have one on you, check the merchants in the city. Lamotte tends to have a rope. There could be some ropes in the Bandit Camp as well. Either way, once you’ve acquired a rope, go back to Rothman and pull him out. Soon enough, a troll will come your way and you’ll have to defeat it. After the fight, Rothman will give you his bow as a reward for saving him from the trap. The quest ends and you receive the usual rewards.

Method or Madness

During your adventure through Broken Valley, you’ll meet Eugene (#15), a man with Tourette’s syndrome: there are two different persons living inside him. An angry and reckless Jackal and the good-guy Clyde. He’ll ask of you to stop his misery and look for a cure somewhere, perhaps in the village.

Head to the village, in the tavern and talk to Doctor Needleman on the first floor (#2). He’ll say that he can make a cure, but it will kill one of the persons and let the other one live. Your choice on which person to save affects the additional reward. If you save Jackal, you’ll get a ring, but if you save Clyde, you’ll get Jackal’s axe.

Either way, head back to Eugene to complete the quest. The rewards are usual ones, along with the additional item.

Lost for Words

George Gremory will be inspecting a strange gate in the fields in the southern valley (#10). Talking to him reveals that he can’t read the language that is engraved on the stone blocks and asks you to help him about it.

The language appears to be Draconian and he asks you to find a person who can read that. ZixZax (#16), the imp in front of Maxos Temple will do that just fine and he’ll give you a dictionary to give to Gremory. Head back to the archaeologist and soon enough, he’ll spawn a demon out of nowhere.

Beware, this demon tends to be fairly powerful. He has a fear spell and hits pretty hard. Once he dies, talk to Gremory to end the quest.

Lovis’ Loot

This quest starts at Romon (#3), the priest in front of the chapel in the village. He’d like you to investigate the tower (#17) in the middle of the valley, as there might still be some magical artifacts in there.

Once you thread through the tower during the main quest, you’ll come to a two-way fork. Take the left path and continue into a place called Lovis Dungeon. You’ll meet skeleton trader Carlin in there, along with several chests to loot. In addition, once you enter the mini-dungeon, the door behind you will close.

In order to get out, you’ll need to go into the room that has caught on fire. The fire does minor damage, so just walk towards the wall and pull the metal ring on the wall. A scrying orb will spawn in the room, as seen in the cinematic. That orb, Lovis’ Scrying Stone is the artifact you were looking for. However, you can use it before handing it over to Romon.

It will teleport you in a room, with a ghost named Toshan. You can mindread him to gain a stat point. Afterward, a fight ensues and he’ll spawn additional skeletons and some weird-looking creatures. Explore the room carefully and then use the pedestals. Everytime you use one of them, a group of enemies spawn. There are two in total. Then you’ll see that some patches of floor have spawned in the air. Jump on them to reach a lever which lowers some of the chains in the room.

There are five items to pick from in total. The four weak weapons are the obvious ones and a hidden skillbook at the back of the room, where you teleported in. Check the corners. As soon as you pick one, the rest will be unavailable. The skillbook is definitely the best choice. Afterwards, go back to Romon and recieve your usual reward of 1500 experience, 400 gold and a choice of either 750 experience, 150 gold, and a random item.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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