Farglow – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you navigate the tutorial area of Farglow in Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Farglow Map

divinity ii farglow map
  1. Rhode, Marius
  2. Edmund
  3. Morgana
  4. Isobel
  5. Aravir
  6. Alberic
  7. Gawain
  8. Sonja, Isobel
  9. Tiresias
  10. Gerald
  11. Edmund’s key
  12. Edmund’s treasure chest
  13. Skillbook

Farglow Walkthrough


Right after customizing your character and watching a cinematic, you’ll be greeted by Rhode, one of the Dragon Slayers. You’ve just arrived in Farglow, a place where disciples become Dragon Slayers, and you’ll have the honour to be the next one. The main quest that spans over the tutorial area is The Farglow Connection.


After familiarizing yourself with the game controls after you talk to Rhode (#1), your objective is to talk to the people of Farglow to attain the needed knowledge about the Dragons, Dragon Slayers and such to proceed with the ritual of becoming a Dragon Slayer.

Your first stop should be at #2, where you’ll meet Edmund, the man who stands by the gate. He’ll welcome you to Farglow and soon afterwards point you to Morgana. Edmund will say that Rhode has been rather cryptic about your goal around here and will send you to the archmage Morgana, who has her lab at the back of the village (#3).

Note that the other NPCs around the place won’t be able to tell you a whole lot until you’ve been to Morgana, so head there next. You can meet Gerald at #10, who’s a trader. You can sell all the chicken legs and any stuff that you found in the crates so far to him. Morgana over at #3 appears to be talking to someone telepathically. As you get close, you’ll get her attention and she’ll explain the first part of the ritual, where she’ll induce some memories so that you can get to know the enemy, dragons, better.

Your eyes will also turn silver, which will enable you to see the dead. You’ll also be immune to the Dragons’ mind tricks. The only side effect is that you’ll lose your current memory, which means reducing your stats to basic. Right after she performs the ritual, you’ll be able to see who was Morgana talking to, the ghost of Toral. Morgana will then send you to meet Aravir, Alberic and Gawain. She’ll also tell you to check up on Isobel.

Take a look through the village first, there’s a few other things that can be done. Tiresias (#9) will be able to change your character appearance, in case you’re not satisfied with it in the first place. There’s a locked chest hidden at #12 behind the bushes, but you can’t open it just yet. It will be tackled later on.

Isobel (#4) will be waiting on the bridge nearby. She’ll request that you think of something. After your choice, she’ll comment about it and introduce you to the concept of mind-reading, an ability possessed by Dragon Slayers and Dragons alike. Mindreading is a very useful spell which reveals secrets and opens up additional quests. The drawback is that it creates an experience debt, which must be first paid off with the experience you gain afterwards. It can be further improved with skill points, and you’re suggested to do so later on as it reduces the percentage of the experience cost of mindreads.

The most useful target for mind-reading is Edmund (#2). You can also read others’ minds for fun, but it will only increase your experience debt, so save first if you’re just doing it for fun. Edmund, on the other hand, will reveal the location of the key at (#11) for the chest at #12. Gerald (#10) will reduce his prices after you mention that there are cheaper merchants than him in other towns (this of course, has to be mind-read from him).

Go and talk to Aravir (#5), who’ll tell about the basics of archery. Alberic over at #6 can tell you a bit about magic and last but not the least, Gawain (#7) is the teacher in melee combat. You can choose to become either of the three as many times as you wish during your stay in Farglow, however once you’ve completed the tutorial, your class choice stays. Each of the choices however only grant you minimal starting abilities, and you can of course develop your character in whatever way you want after tutorial.

After your choice, the initial quest will be completed and you’ll receive 50 experience, 200 gold and an additional reward which you can choose yourself: either 25 experience or 100 gold. Your next visit should be Sonja at #8. She’ll explain the training system to you and then open up the gate to fight a few goblins. They are pretty weak enemies so just dispose of them and take the key at near the campfire (#11) if you’ve mind-read Edmund already.

Before you leave the area, make sure to grab the skillbook on top of the large rocks. The place where you can start jumping towards it starts at #13. Probably the most useful skill to spend your skillbook on is lockpicking. That way you can unlock the chest near Alberic (#6) to find a few basic items inside. Using the key you’ve found, unlock the chest at #12 as well.

This sums up the Farglow area. Head back to Rhode and Marius (#1) and tell them about your progress. Rhode will inform you about a Dragon that has been spotted in the nearby Broken Valley. You’ll get another shot at picking your initial skills. Once done, tell her that you’re good to go and you’ll head out to hunt the Dragon. This completes the tutorial section.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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