Flames of Vengeance Lanilor Lane – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you navigate Lanilor Lane in the Flames of Vengeance expansion for Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Lanilor Lane Map

divinity ii flames of vengeance lanilor lane map
  1. The Prancing Seahorse
  2. Luxurius’ Mansion
  3. Heleon
  4. Cosy Dwelling
  5. Chez Chanelle
  6. Ransid
  7. Kaan
  8. Taurus’ House
  9. Back Entrance
  10. Aquila
  11. Gula’s House
  12. Astridax
  13. Alzbeta’s Emporium
  14. Locked Chest
  15. Eereb & Nathirap
  16. Vito & Gaius
  17. The Playhouse
  18. Nerk
  19. Madam Eve’s
  20. Temple of Nimir
  21. The Phoenix Inn Top Room Key

Area Overview

This map covers the main points of interest throughout Lanilor Lane. You might also notice some runes and glowing buttons on the wall that are not covered on this page. They are part of the quest Rune Handles. There’s also a waypoint shrine (#W) to enable faster travel between the districts. The district is connected to the Great Market (#GM) in the northern part.

1 – The Prancing Seahorse

The Prancing Seahorse is the place where you’ll find Ursula, who is part of the main quest To Find a Wizard.

2 – Luxurius’ Mansion

This mansion will be locked during your first visits to Lanilor Lane. It’s explored in the quest Beauty and the Beast.

3 – Heleon

Heleon is a fake healer who has a quest for you called Herbal Medicine. He’s not exactly fake, but once you mindread him, you’ll learn that he doesn’t heal with magic but rather uses potions and herbs.

4 – Cosy Dwelling

Cosy Dwelling is Hansel’s home. You’ll get to visit it during the quest Trail of Deceit. There’s also a talking tomato inside, Thomas, who’s been transformed into a vegetable by Ursula. He’s connected to the main quest To Find a Wizard.

After finding the first clue in the quest To Find a Wizard, you’ll be able to access Laeniel’s room if you’ve looted it from Halliwell. Laeniel is just another lunatic praying to the demons who needs to be stopped. There’s a key to be found hanging from one of the toy soldiers that opens the chest. Inside you’ll find leggings from the Dragon Wizard armor set.

5 – Chez Chanelle

Chez Chanelle is an alchemist in Aleroth and you can use her services if you want some potions brewed. She’s also an illusionist and can change your appearance if you wish to do so. There’s also a hidden note on the second floor behind a drawer. You might also notice a hidden chamber behind a bookshelf on the first floor, but you won’t be able to reach it until later, when you enter the asylum that has teleports that lead into various chambers like this one.

If you mind read her, you’ll get +1 in Master Herbalist skill.

6 – Ransid

Ransid is the homeless man sitting on the bench near Chanelle’s house. He’s got a quest to give called Jewellery in Law.

7 – Kaan

Kaan is the goblin merchant at the Lanilor Lane. You can of course mindread him to reduce his prices. He’s got several high-level unique stuff to sell that’s worth checking out. The goblin orb for the quest Fire ’em Up! is also bought from him.

8 – Taurus’ House

This house is one of the objectives for the quest Beauty and the Beast.

9 – Back Entrance

This back entrance leads into Gula’s larder. You’ll need to go there and pick up a special type of cheese during the quest Everybody’s a Critic.

10 – Aquila

Aquila is the leader of Champions of Aleroth giving an invigorating speech to new recruits.

11 – Gula’s House

The house of Gula the adventurer is initially locked and off-limits because it’s being investigated by the guards.

12 – Astridax

Astridax is a necromancer who gives a quest called Sinister Motives.

Make sure to mindread him to get a bonus +1 to intelligence.

13 – Alzbeta’s Emporium

This shop is run by Alzbeta, who deals in weapons, armor, jewelries and charms. During your initial conversation it appears that she’s got something to hide as she’s scared from the authorities, but you won’t get a lot from her until later during the main quest. You can of course mindread her to reduce her prices.

On the table nearby, you’ll find a pumpkin, Ashraf, who was turned into vegetable by Ursula. He’s connected to the main quest To Find a Wizard.

A bit later into the game, you’ll come across Alzbeta’s diary. Essentially, it gives you information to a secret tune that you can play on the lute and harp. Just play the lute once, then harp and then lute again. A goblin totem will appear, giving you 2 skill points.

14 – Locked Chest

This locked chest can be opened by looting the key from the body nearby (you’ll have to jump to the left to get to it, on the ledge with some crates). In addition, you’ll find Bellegar’s coin, which is needed for the quest Mind over Matter.

15 – Eereb & Nathirap

These two goblin brothers have turned outcast from their tribes and wish to enlist for the Aleroth army, giving you the side quest Brothers in Arms.

They are standing in front of Willy’s house, which is tackled in the quest A Swindler Swindled.

16 – Vito & Gaius

As you approach a pile of corpses, you’ll notice Vito and Gaius arguing whether they should be kept for scientific research or burned down. You can choose to interfere and pick either side.

If you want to burn the corpses, they’ll be removed once you change zones and you’ll find a key below them that opens the golden chest nearby. If you want to save them for research, you’ll get extra experience. Note that the items in the chest aren’t that great and the experience might be a better choice.

17 – The Playhouse

This haunted place is the location of Rancid’s jewelry in the quest Jewellery in Law.

Besides that, you can find Order of the Viper bracers in the cellar. First pick up the key that opens the backstage door. It is located to the right of the stage. In the backstage room, you’ll find Alfred, who can give you the quest All the After World’s a Stage. Mindread him in order to find out about the secret button that opens the hidden chamber.

The button is located down in the cellar. Its entrance is just a few meters away from Alfred. After battling several skeletons down there, you’ll bump into a desk with a script and a secret button the left of it. The button opens the small chamber in the cellar that was cut off with a fake wall. Pick up the charcoaled manuscript as well as the Order of the Viper Bracers from the chest.

18 – Nerk

Nerk is the “guard” of the black market. If you mindread him, you can notice that he’s waiting for someone named Dormen. You can impersonate Dormen and gain access to the black market in the trapdoor below. One of the bandits down there, Mysus has a great two-handed sword for sale and you can mindread him to gain +1 in lockpicking.

After you get up on the streets again, real Dormen will show up. You can deal with him easily by still playing your own role of fake Dormen.

19 – Madam Eve’s

After you enter the brothel, you’ll notice a guard and Madam Eve discussing the murders that occured in her establishment. After a while, the guard will go away and you can take the quest from Eve called The Murders in the Rue Lanilor. You can also mindread her to gain +1 in Charm skill. The rest of the room is covered on the quest page.

20 – Temple of Nimir

The temple is inaccessible until the side quest Old Dog or New Tricks?. There’s an iron key on the table nearby that opens the chest near the entrance.

21 – The Phoenix Inn Top Room Key

After you’ve mindread the bartender Ricky in the forementioned inn in the great market, you’ll find the key lying on the stairs here.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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