Flames of Vengeance Main Quests – Divinity II: Ego Draconis

This guide will help you complete the main quests found in the Flames of Vengeance expansion for Divinity II: Ego Draconis.

Flames of Vengeance Main Quests Map

divinity ii flames of vengeance main quests map
  1. Augustus
  2. The Prancing Seahorse
  3. The Circle of Trust Inn
  4. Nericon
  5. Champion’s Academy

Main Quests Walkthrough

This page lists the main quests for the addon Flames of Vengeance.

To Find a Wizard

This quest is received right at the beginning from Augustus. He’ll explain the current situation and that you need to find the Eye of the Patriarch, which is in possession of a powerful imprisoned mage named Behrlihn. Also, because Talana/Ygerna is now gone, Behrlihn will be your inner guide for the larger part of the game. Your first objective is to follow in Rhode’s footsteps and solve the mystery of The Prancing Seahorse (#2).

After doing that, Thaddeus will give additional information on how to reach Behrlihn’s prison. You’ll need five clues in total that will reveal the way. Every time you obtain a clue, you’ll also finish a subquest, earning you extra experience, gold and two skill books and you’ll also encounter Bellegar before leaving the zone you’re in, as he’ll teleport you to his arena, where you’ll need to defeat his minions before being teleported back.

The first clue is Halliwell’s pendant. Since you’ve clearing the Prancing Seahorse, you’ve also obtained a special spell scroll from there called Anti Demon’s Grip scroll. Head to the Circle of Trust Inn (#3) in the plaza and mindread the guards on the upper floor to provoke them to leave the door. Enter the room and Halliwell will be right behind you, proclaiming an impending apocalypse. Make sure to mindread him if you want him to drop the key to Laeniel’s room (which is in Cosy Dwelling, Lanilor Lane). Just silence him then and loot the room. The necklace he drops is the first clue.

The second clue is Zombie Jake’s ring of a primordial undead called Jake. You’ll get to meet him (and defeat him) during the quest Murders in the Rue Lanilor.

To get the other tree clues, you’ll need to get access to Crow’s Nest first. The quest described below, Bark Up the Right Tree, deals with that. The third clue is Gula’s book, gained during the quest Fat Chance (which can only be completed after doing An Appetite for Murder.

The fourth clue is Engineer’s Sword, looted from the Engineer at the end of Nericon’s Wrath.

The last clue is Maxos’ Bracelet, gained after exploring the Maxos’ shrine after the quest Rune Handles.

After obtaining all the clues, head to the Champion Academy (#5) where you’ll try to find Rhode and then Behrlihn’s prison. Check out the designated page – Champion Academy, to navigate the place. After you’re done in there, you’ll be teleported back to Augustus.

Save your game and complete anything you might still need to, as after you tell Augustus that you’re ready to go, there’s no turning back and you’ll enter the final part of the game.

After completing the section in the Champion Academy, your mission will be to escort a zeppelin while in your dragon form and protect it from any harm. Note that his is one of the last quests and there’s no going back once you initiate it.

In this mission, you’ll basically need to stay in front of the zeppelin and clear most of the towers as fast as you can. Follow the yellow arrowheads in the air – that’s where zeppelin is going to pass. Don’t be afraid to use the ultimate power – Eye of the Patriarch – should you need it. There’s not a lot of advice to give, except to use all the abilties you have as often as you can, as they all contribute to successfully complete the escort. It’s a fairly long flight, but after a while you’ll reach the end and the final battle with commence.

You’ll witness a cinematic where Ygerna will get burnt by dragon fire and after the conversation with her, you’re ready to battle it out. If you sided with Behrlihn back in the Antediluvian Vault, he’ll be helping her out as well. The fight isn’t very hard and after they go down, you’ll get a nice cutscene and the game will end. Congratulations on beating Divinity II – The Dragon Knight Saga!

Dead Rising

Dead Rising the quest given by Augustus (#1) once you ask him whether there’s any work you could do for him. The quest completely coincides with the side quest Nericon’s Wrath, so you might wish to check that one out on how to complete the quest. It can only be done after you’ve opened up the passage to Crow’s Nest.

Barking Up the Right Tree

While trying to cross the entrance guarded by a large tree (#4), guards will die being struck by a lighting. Talk to the tree to resolve the issue, but sadly enough, you won’t understand a single word, as it is in elvish.

During your exploration of The Prancing Seahorse (#2) for the quest To Find a Wizard, you’ll come across an Elven Alphabet on a stack of books.

Read it and then return to the tree. This time around, you’ll understand him, and offer to help him out with the undead that plague the city. This starts the quest Nericon’s Wrath.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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